Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
Dec. 27
Those who come home for Christmas look forward to attending the EMB Christmas Program. This year it was Sunday night, Dec 22. The prelude, by Virgil Rauch, Brad Traeholt, Karen Fast and Eileen Traeholt, included “C is for the Christ-Child,” “We Three Kings” and “Star of the East.” Pastor Hathaway welcomed everyone, inviting them to sing “Silent Night.” An offering was taken that was divided between Beacon Bible Camp and the Awana Program. The offertory, “In The Bleak Mid-Winter” was played beautifully by Troy Toavs, LCHS grad who is a North Dakota elementary music teacher. Mrs. Jeanne Hathaway introduced and emceed the program called “Windows of Christmas.” She noted that “angels are always identified in the masculine in Scripture.” Sitting in full costume in a window on stage, as they did their monologue, were significant “characters from Scripture who were eye witnesses of the first Christmas.” They gave us “powerful perspectives of that day in history that brought the Redeemer.”
First was Rod Bartel, playing the part of the angel Gabriel, a principal angel sent with messages to three people: Zaccharias (about John the fore-runner’s birth), Mary (about Jesus the promised Savior’s birth), and Joseph (verifying Mary’s purity and giving direction). “Being the virgin chosen to bear the Redeemer was the desire of every Jewish woman.” He gave a perspective from heaven about the responses of the people to his messages. The congregation then sang “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”
Second was Abby Traeholt, playing the part of Mary. She spoke of “her joy and amazement at being chosen, and her question to understand how this could be!” “Being told by the angel of her cousin’s miraculous conception late in life, the Angel had assured Mary that ‘The God of the impossible is able to do anything!’ She spoke of going to see Elizabeth her cousin, (whom the Angel said was in her sixth month with a child)” and how “Elizabeth had given a glad cry and said she was unworthy that ‘The Mother of my Lord should come to see me.’” “Blessed are you because you believed what the angel told.” She told of the looks and disdain from her neighbors, and the imperial census that required them to go to Bethlehem, and she was exhausted. She told us about “the star of wonder, the shepherds coming to bow in worship, not to her but to my Son, who was the Lamb of God. The wonder of it all!!”
Interspersed with presentations and comments from the narrator, Mrs. Hathaway, was music. Ashtyn Traeholt sang “No Room” (a John W. Peterson classic), accompanied by Jeanne Hathaway. Pastor Hathaway sang a duet with Abby Traeholt called “Breath of Heaven” and Wayne Hathaway sang a solo, “The Birthday of a King.” Brad Traeholt played the part of the Shepherd, and sang “O Holy Night” with his son, Mark who is in first grade. Brad’s was the third monologue.
Introducing the fourth monologue, Jeanne noted that “Joseph was the step-father to the Son of God, obedient at a great cost.” Christopher Traeholt played the part of Joseph, in the Windows of Christmas. He talked about the angel allaying his fears, confirming “Mary had not been unfaithful to him”, and he had to learn “to make amazing choices” “Obedience is always the way of peace.” Clarissa Hathaway then sang “Away in the manger.”
Bill Wiens presented Simeon, in the Windows of Christmas. He talked of “Waiting for the consolation of Israel by looking for the Messiah. It has been my hope, my reason for the future, watching for the Annointed One.” He spoke of “the promise I was given to live to see ‘The Promised One’, and going to the Temple the day Jesus was presented as the law required.” “It was the most wonderful day. I looked into the face of God. I had seen the Christ. I didn’t need more to complete my life.” (During this window, the other characters joined him in a nativity.)
The sixth perspective was from Karen Fast, playing Anna the Prophetess who became the second Temple witness to the Christ. She reflected that “life’s circumstances at being left a widow only seven years after her marriage could have driven her away from God. Instead, she had grown in her faith and commitment to Him, and was given the privilege to fast and pray in the temple every day for the coming Redeemer.” She told of “the young couple coming from Nazareth to fulfill the demands of the law, and how “she saw Simeon hold the child up and declare Him to be the long-awaited Messiah.” “I knew He was my long-awaited Mesiah!” “I too was ready to depart in peace, but I still had work to do! I must give thanks and speak to anyone about Jesus who was looking for ‘the Redemption of Jerusalem.’ Redemption has come! What a message of joy, hope and freedom!”
Jeanne Hathaway’s meditation “While looking through the window of Anna, the Prophetess we see a reminder of the truth and meaning behind all the confusion and chaos we call Christmas. Christmas is not merely the story of a helpless babe in a manger as beautiful as that may be, nor the wonder of the shepherds or the magnificent singing of the angelic choir. The heart of Christmas lies in the fact that “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. In the midst of all that surrounds our Christmas, it is far too easy to forget that the first Christmas happened because our sin demanded payment and only Christ Himself could make a payment sufficient to cancel our debt. While it is fun to celebrate the holidays with gifts, and candies and parties, the whole idea about Christmas is about rescue and redemption. The world needs to know that ‘Living He loved Me, Dying He saved me; Buried He carried my sins far away. Rising He Justified freely forever and one day He’s Coming! O Glorious Day.’”
Among those who came home for Christmas included Janeen and Jason Unruh & family (daughter of Gary and Roxann Funk), John and Jan, & children (daughter of Rod and Carma Bartel), Lyssa, the daughter of our dorm parents, the entire family of Martin and Karen Fast, the family of Gary and Marcia Fast, Elijah Lenihan, son of Pastor and Mrs. Lenihan, Troy Toavs, son of Ferris and Sharon Toavs. Others have gone to see family in other states.
Looking ahead, school begins Jan. 6. May we remember our country in prayer during this transition time to a new administration in our nation.
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