Dear Editor,
My name is Joyce Morehouse and I'm the Coordinator for Valley County Council on Aging.
We serve congregate meals at the Senior Center 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. We also deliver Home Meals to 15 people 5 days a week. We do commodities bimonthly. This is all for people who are 60 or older.
We are very much in need of volunteers for:
Picking up the meals at the cottonwood 5 days a week and bringing them to the Senior Center. We do have a vehicle for this.
People to deliver home meals at 11 a.m., five days a week. We split it up between the North and South side. Right now, the north side is taken care of, but we do need help on the south side.
Help with loading boxes for commodities bimonthly usually at 12:30 on Monday's.
We also offer the Sails Exercise classes put on by FMDH.
If you would like to volunteer for any of the above, please call 228-9500. If we can get enough volunteers, we would divide it up between all the volunteers so that you just do a couple of days a week. I would call at the end of the month to schedule for the next month.
The current Senior citizens officers will be resigning for personal, family and medical reasons Jan. 1, 2025. The Treasurer will be here until April 2025. We need volunteers because they do a lot for the center, including bingo, pancake breakfast, cards, and flea market.
We will not be doing bingo until after the first of the year.
If this is something you would like to see continue, please give us a call at 228-9500.
Let's make sure we take care of our Senior Citizens and have a warm and welcoming place for them to come and socialize.
Joyce Morehouse
Coordinator for Valley County Council On Aging
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