For the week of Dec. 2 through Dec. 8, there were 13 motor vehicle stops, two reports of loose livestock, two reports of loose horses, two reports of loose dogs, one report of a dog bite, one report of an abandoned vehicle, two reports of assisting a citizen, and one abandoned vehicle call.
For the week of Dec. 9 through 14, there were five motor vehicle stops, two reports of loose dogs, one report of a missing dog and one report of a loose cat.
Tuesday, Dec. 3
1321 - Reporting party called that she had six packages stolen from her mailbox. She also states her neighbor has had four packages stolen. She would like an officer to come out. Deputy arrived and spoke to the reporting party and the other victim. On Dec. 4 a male called to report he witnessed the thefts of packages as he is the UPS driver. He said this occurred on Monday, Dec. 2. A description of the vehicle and male was provided who stole the packages. He advised UPS is also doing an investigation. He would like an officer to call him.
1531 – A female called requesting to get three former residents trespassed from the property. The former residents have family there but they don’t want them around.
Wednesday, Dec. 4
1003 – Phillips County requested to speak with an officer about a possible SRT situation. They were patched up with the officer.
1548 – Reporting party called wanting to speak with a peace officer about getting her belongings from a residence in St. Marie. She doesn’t know the address but right now she wants to take to an officer about the situation. An officer attempted to call but went to voicemail. At 1614, officer was able to speak to the reporting party. The female said she would try to get a hold of the other party. She was told also that if she can’t, she would have to go through the Courts to get an order to get her belongings.
1619 – Caller reported there’s an over-sized load going eastbound through Hinsdale. The trailer is hitting the ground and sending out sparks. Deputy caught up to the driver and will attempt to pull him over.
Thursday, Dec. 5
1438 – Caller stated she lost her wallet this morning. She provided dispatch her timeline of events as well as a description of the wallet. Dispatch advised if they find it or if it’s turned in, they will notify her. If she finds it, she was instructed to call back.
2220 – A 911 call reported a pickup on fire in front of the bar. He didn’t believe that anyone was inside. EMS was paged for standby, and officers as well as deputies responded. At 2314, the situation was cleared and the vehicle owner will get the pickup towed.
Friday, Dec. 6
1705 – Caller reported she was out looking at the sunset and turned off of US Highway 2 to the left and then traveled for a while. However she is not sure exactly where she was except the Fort Peck Lake is to her left and Catfish Bay is to her right. The vehicle tires are not gaining traction so she is stuck. An officer was sent to her location.
1254 – Caller stated they have been getting calls of a bomb threat at the McDonalds location. The number came from an unknown or private. The manager *69 and it returned with a number. The person making the threat did not identify any other way. The information was passed along to an officer. Officers made entry and also swept the perimeter. At 1339, the building was cleared.
Saturday, Dec. 7
2057 – Someone walked in and dropped off a health insurance card they found downtown.
Monday, Dec. 9
1814 – Caller reported a pickup that’s all over the road. A plate number was provided. A direction of travel was provided. A deputy was able to follow the vehicle for driving behavior.
Tuesday, Dec. 10
0632 – Reporting party called about a vehicle that was being driven erratically. The reporting party stated the vehicle veered across the highway, drove into ditches and out again. They also forced an oncoming vehicle to get into the wrong lane to avoid a collision because the vehicle was in the wrong lane. Later on, the vehicle pulled over and the reporting party passed it. Now the vehicle is following the reporting party.
1012 – Caller reported that he was scammed out of $15,000 from his Coin Base account. He discovered this on Dec. 2 and made Coin Base aware. The ones who stole from his account used a phishing scheme by asking him to change his password. Coin Base advised him to call law enforcement.
1110 – Caller reported a traffic complaint of a vehicle eastbound on Highway 2. It stated it was crossing over double lines and exceeding speeds of 80 mph.
Wednesday, Dec. 11
0827 – A business called to report that a male on a four-wheeler has been coming by their store this week. Today he went by speeding, did donuts, got stuck and then continued eastbound. A description of the driver was provided.
0921 – Female, who wished to remain anonymous, advised there is a pickup truck that is parked behind a residence. She states people are going around it and coming into her yard, running over her bushes to get around the vehicle. She also states this is not the first time the subject has done this.
1001 – Officer advised he spoke to the registered owner about getting vehicles moved back in October. The registered owner advised him he would get it taken care of, however it has not happened. The vehicle has been marked for tow and will be towed.
Thursday, Dec. 12
0824 – Caller reported a disabled semi just south of MM 42 on Highway 24N. He said the guy has his triangles out but is taking up most of the northbound lane. The semi appears to have tried to get off the road but wasn’t able to clear it completely. The caller stated the semi is in a really bad spot and you don’t see it until you come up on it. A deputy was able to arrive on scene and at 1326, the vehicle is off the road.
1535 – Reporting party stated there is a vehicle parked longwise at the ambulance barn. She has received a few calls on it. It was believed the vehicle belongs to one of the inmates. At 1614, deputy advised the vehicle has been moved.
1848 – Roosevelt 911 said they received a report there’s a semi that’s headed westbound without lights. There was no further description of the vehicle. A deputy was able to locate the semi. The taillights are not working correctly but the hazards are on.
Friday, Dec. 13
1003 – Reporting party stated her husband called stating a building is on fire. It looks like it’s fully engulfed. A few minutes later another call came in stating the building has collapsed. The building is still smoldering and there are embers flying around. He doesn’t think the main house is endanger. Fire was notified.
1033 – Caller reported a suspicious vehicle at her mom’s house. She said her mom winters in Helena and as far as the reporting party knows, no one is allowed to be at the residence. A description of the vehicle was provided. At 1041, deputy advised the building is locked up and everything seems secure. At 1554, deputy advised he made contact with the male who thought they had permission to be at the location.
1159 – Reporting party called in stating he has a camera at the plant. He has two pickup trucks there at 2015 to 2017. Two guys get out, talk for a while, and then go back to their trucks. They then leave. The caller doesn’t know why they were there but seems odd. The incident occurred on Dec. 12.
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