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Nick Courville, a rancher from Charlo, topped three other competitors to win the Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Discussion Meet. He received the keys to a Polaris Ranger and will be eligible to compete in the national competition which will be held during the American Farm Bureau Convention in January in San Antonio.
The three other contestants were John Walker, from Nashua, Tienna Canen, from Circle and Jeremiah Peterson, from Bozeman. The Final Four competition of the Discussion Meet was held Nov. 19 during the 105th Montana Farm Bureau Annual Convention at the Northern and DoubleTree Hotels in downtown Billings. The convention runs November 18-21, 2024.
The Discussion Meet, which is open to Farm Bureau members ages 18-35, is meant to simulate a committee meeting with ideas discussed and solutions developed. The question for the final round: Succession planning is often a tough subject not only for individual farms and ranches but also within county Farm Bureaus. Some younger members may find it challenging to become involved in their county Farm Bureau beyond the YF&R committee. What are some ways that county Farm Bureaus can encourage involvement from young members and how can actively engaged young board members help their county Farm Bureaus plan for the future?
Courville serves as chair the MFBF Young Farmer & Rancher Committee, raises beef cattle and horses with his wife on their ranch in Charlo, and serves as a CHS animal nutrition consultant.
“To put in the time and effort for the Discussion Meet and coming away with the Polaris is fantastic,” said Courville. “You always learn so much when preparing for the Discussion Meet and it’s wonderful to develop solutions to the question posed to us with other young farmers and ranchers. We are all very passionate about agriculture.”
The young rancher added, “Our young farmers and ranchers are honored that Polaris has partnered with Montana Farm Bureau for the past 10 years to offer this prize as a great incentive.”
For more information on the MFBF YF&R Committee, the YF&R Discussion Meet and more, visit or contact Sue Ann Streufert, [email protected].
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