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Yesterday's Memories

Sponsored by Reynolds Market and the Valley County Pioneer Museum

10 Years Ago

Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014

Another Glasgow area native was welcomed back to town this week. Haylie Shipp, farm broadcaster for the Northern Ag Network, was given a welcome home celebration at Farm Equipment Sales. FES general manager Sarah Swanson Partridge created the gathering to welcome Shipp, who will have an office in the building for her to work and broadcast reports. Shipp graduated from Glasgow High School in 2003 and headed to Miles City Community College, where she completed her AA and AS degrees in 2005.

It was mostly good news, mixed with the reality that there was indeed contamination found at the old Magruder's Motor Co. property. The property is owned by the county after it was foreclosed on. Newfields was brought in to assess the contamination on the property and they gave their full report to the Glasgow City Council. Chris Cerquone and Reuben Vincent were present to discuss the matter. The contamination was located close to where the old gas tanks were located. Currently the property is used for the Glasgow Farmer's Market, and Cerquone said that the contamination wouldn't affect anyone on the surface.

Glasgow High School seniors MaKenzie Wesen and Sam Schultz smile shortly after being crowned this year's Homecoming King and Queen at the coronation ceremony last Friday. The other Royalty candidates were Amanda Wolff, Jason Thibault, Sadie Sukut and Keil Krumwiede.

Home Sweet Homecoming: Scotties Shut Down Dominant Baker Football Program - The Glasgow Scotties hosted the Baker Spartans on Sept. 12 for the homecoming game. Glasgow got off to a great start and stayed sharp throughout the game, defeating Baker 14-0 in front of a packed hometown crowd. Now with a 3-0 record, Glasgow finally broke a losing streak against the Spartans.

This rebuilding season for Glasgow's volleyball Scotties continues with some positive payoff. The varsity this past week split its first two 2014 home matches in a competitive manner – losing to Dawson County, beating Wolf Point. Rival Malta visits this Thursday. GHS coach Lori Dailey described the home opener against Glendive last Thursday as "quite a showcase for all three Scottie teams." She said the JV team "played very well" in its win and the C squad picked up an "intense win," taking victory in overtime in the fifth game.

The football Scotties did their part, blanking Baker. So did the volleyball Scotties, getting intense with Glendive and beating Wolf Point. But the XC Scotties, now their Homecoming Week success was double the fun. The boys won the Malta Invitational. The girls won the Malta Invitational. How far can these two teams go? "It's looking pretty promising for the boys," Walker Allen, the team's top runner at the Malta meet, told The Courier before practice Tuesday. The outlook isn't just for this season. Allen points to next year's veteran boys squad – which expects to have at least five seniors, himself included. Beyond 2015, the junior high XC boys have loads of promise to become the big dogs. Allen said the boys didn't expect to win at Malta. But the team is training hard to get top runners Allen and Gabe Hallock below 18 minutes over 3 miles and the middle pack of teammates into the 18s.

25 Years Ago

Thursday, Sept. 23, 1999

The Royalty for the Glasgow Scottie Homecoming are King Scott Copenhaver and Queen Tanya Bergren. The Saskatoon Police Pipe and Drum band, invited back for their second appearance at the Highland Festival, raised a stirring sound, especially when they played the requested "Scotland the Brave."

The Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital Foundation Charity Golf Tournament was played on the beautiful Sunnyside Golf Course Sunday, Sept. 19. Ninety-two players played in 23 four-person teams made this tournament one of the largest and most successful tournament ever staged at the Sunnyside course. First place with a gross of 71, net 45.5 went to Lori and Rick Viste, Charlene Hill and Walt Daley.

The POW Remembrance Program at VFW Post #3107 featured two speakers from Glasgow High School's junior class. Jonathan Wiens spoke on "Why We Should Defend Our Country At All Costs." Nicole Erickson's speech was entitled "The Faces Of Our Soldiers."

Six hardy souls braved the rainy weather to compete in the 2nd Annual Glasgow Clean & Jerk Contest. They were spared actually competing in the rain by the compassion of the Markle family, who allowed us to move the contest into the building. Alison Neumiller was the only local competitor. She came out first, after making four successful attempts. She ended up with a best lift of 67 pounds to take the Women's medal home.

In Varsity action, the Scotties faced the Devils at the Dog Pound. The gym full as people came out to support the Scotties and see the homecoming royalty hopefuls. The national anthem was performed by Jessica Ost. The final score was Glasgow, 34, Glendive, 29. Leading the Scotties in points were Tanya Bergren and Julie Rice with 13 points each, followed by Cassie Boos, three, Codi Malnaa and Rhonda Chandler with two apiece, and Amber Garten with one.

Wet, muddy and cold, that is exactly how the Glasgow Invitational Cross County meet was this past Homecoming weekend. The weather was terrible but the results were great. The Glasgow Junior High athletes ran a couple of very well performed races. It was Taylor Moorman for the girls' team taking an impressive second place with a time of 11:34. Levi Clampitt led the boys' team taking second place with 10:07, followed by Chris Bechel taking 12th with a time of 11:58.

50 Years Ago

Thursday, Sept. 19, 1974

Discussion focused on excessive absenteeism in Glasgow Senior High School at last week's meeting of the board of trustees in the Junior High. Don Pehlke, chairman of the board, appointed M.K. Graham and Marjorie Beckman to serve with educators Paul Stahl, Floyd Larkin, Senior High Vice Principal, and Francis Loomer, Senior High School Principal on a committee to formulate an attendance proposal. Loomer pointed out that between 30 and 40 students are absent each day from an enrollment of 480.

A near-capacity crowd of over 400 Glasgow and Valley County residents attending the Operation Update Community Dinner Tuesday night, heard Chairman O.E. Markle announce the fund drive to modernize Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital has passed the $403,000 mark. "Now if my office calculator is accurate," Markle told the group, "this adds up to the fact that we are now $403,526,87 closer to the new hospital we all need and want."

Kim Kroll rifles the football off his toe as the Porkies kicked off to visiting Opheim during last Saturday's clash of gridiron rivals at Nashua. Speeding downfield behind the kickoff are Ron Viste, Randy Weinmeister, Daryl Waarvik and Rick Viste, who all went on to star for the Porkies in their 36-6 win over the Vikings.

Glasgow's Curt Wesen goes high over the head of Baker's Cliff Householder to bat the ball away from the hands of the intended receiver as the Spartans – trailing 50-6-- gambled to get on the scoreboard again in the late moments of the game under the lights of Fairground Stadium in Glasgow, last Friday night.

Youths who have been working at the Howard Haynes place west of Glasgow without pay and because "it's fun and a privilege," are Dean Stumvoll, Curt Braden, Craig Gilchrist and Bob Stumvoll. Each of the young men worked an average of 30 hours each week during the summer to help Haynes, whose activities are limited after undergoing heart surgery last December.

Pat Knierim, new English teacher at Glasgow Junior High, rolls out a six-foot sheet of architects' blueprint paper, which is light sensitive. Susan Langen, new art instructor in Glasgow Junior High, lays down on the paper then it is quickly rolled up to prevent further exposure, creating a silhouette of a body. Joining the Glasgow teachers to look over the finished product is Ellen Waterston Bartow, Montana Arts Council consultant. The workshop for area teachers was held in Wolf Point, Sept. 6.

75 Years Ago

Thursday, Sept. 22, 1949

Glasgow 11th annual Farmers Day opened Saturday with a large crowd of rural residents present and seven prizes were quickly awarded to launch the series. It will continue through Nov. 19, with drawings and prizes each Saturday as weather permits. Judges representing sponsors Saturday were Peter Wagenhals, of the Wagenhals Electric; Buell C. Hayward, of the Coca-Cola Bottling company; Henry Mohr, of the Farmers & Stockmens Lumber company; and L.A. (Slim) Johnson, Glasgow saleyards manager. Jane DeLay drew the capsules from the jar. Attendance prizes were won by Jim Simon, of Tampico, two cases of peaches; Oscar Severson, of Glasgow, $10 house dress; and Mrs. M.B. See, of Hinsdale, 20 pounds of Northern Bloom honey.

Recognizing that "they'll be tough ones" on the balance of their schedule, Glasgow Scotties will leave Friday morning for Miles City to face the Custer Cowboys there that night. Coach Hal Meyer said Wednesday that 22 squad members will make the trip, but he was then undecided as to who will be on the list. Johnny Gilbert, sophomore guard, suffered a broken arm in scrimmage sessions, Tuesday night when he tackled a runner. "We are certainly going to miss Johnny," the Glasgow mentor stated. "He was coming along rapidly and was one of our most promising reserve players." Meyer said the lineman will not play the rest of the season.

Beryl Arnold was elected president of the Glasgow chapter of the Future Homemakers of America at a re-organization meeting held at the high school, Monday. Twenty-five were present. Dorothy Molig was elected vice president; Dorothy Spaulding, secretary; Kiyoe Kotaki, treasurer; Sue Mann, reporter; Carole Benson, parliamentarian; Barbara Good and Martha Putnam, historians; Shirley Taylor, song leader; Miss Jeanett Almos, advisor; and Mrs. Robert Brackett, chapter mother.

Glasgow Scotties displayed potential power in their running attack to give the local fan a pleasant surprise when they defeated the Wolf Point Wolves, 21-0 on the local field Saturday night. It was the first football contest of the season for both teams. The Wolves were in the hole almost from the start. Returning the opening kick-off to their 22, they made no headway in three plays. Red Hanson's kick went only to the Wolf 30. On the first play, John Dick, rabbit-running Glasgow back, snaked 15 yards around end but an offside penalty on the next play put the ball on the Wolf 20, first and 15. Three runs by Dick took the ball to the visitors' 8. Then Darrell Cole hit inside right tackle and scored just as he was tackled on the goal line.

Gerald Evans, a senior, was elected President of the Hinsdale high school student body at the annual election meeting Friday afternoon. Other officers chosen are Tommy Hickok, vice president, and Nora Farasen, secretary-treasurer. Mary Lou Evans and Ethel Seely were chosen as yell leaders.


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