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Law Enforcement Report

For the week of Sept. 9 through 15, there were eight motor vehicle stops, two reports for a public assist, four reports of loose livestock, two reports of loose goats and one report of a barking dog.

Monday, Sept. 9

1506 – Caller wants information on what he can do about a couple of women going into the business he owns in Hinsdale. The women have been harassing his employee, and his employee lives in Phillips County so will talk to them about a restraining order. The caller is concerned about his business where he has to remove one female physically while she was acting out. He was connected with a deputy to talk to him about the process of getting the females trespassed from the business.

1555 – Reporting party stated a grain truck lost a tire around Nashua. She called in while going through Glasgow and the truck was running on its back rim currently.

1822 – Caller is requesting an officer in Frazer. She stated there’s a man walking westbound carrying a huge machete. A description of the male was provided. It was determined the individual was trying to chop up a tree to make it easier for people to move it out of the road.

1838 – Reporting party wanted to speak with a deputy. Awhile back someone was stealing fuel from their farm, and he believes it’s happening again.

1948 – Caller reported the male is swinging a machete around and he’s being weird and very scary. Deputy advised he’ll make a presence in the area but the male is on private property.

2117 - Caller said a tenant hasn’t been paying his rent so he told them earlier that they had to leave. As far as he knows, they’re still at the residence and he wants them out. Deputy advised the reporting party he needs to contact Tribal and go through the eviction process.

2157 – Caller requested an officer. She said she paid half of the rent for the month but the property owner is over there trying to kick her and her kids out. The property owner also called to let dispatch know he locked up the house so there shouldn’t be anyone inside. He will call again if he finds anyone inside. He also stated there were six people living there. Deputy advised he told the property owner he can not remove people from the residence and would have to go through the eviction process with the tribal courts in Poplar. Deputy will be in the area for awhile in case anything else happens.

Tuesday, Sept. 10

0155 – Reporting party called and stated that an alarm was going off and she didn’t know what it was for. It was determined there was no alarm going on. An officer checked the building and everything is okay.

0715 – Reporting party called stating there is a male carrying a big sledge hammer on his shoulder. He is just walking down the highway. At 0813, deputy advised he was not able to locate the male.

0747 – Caller stated there is a male sleeping on a four-wheeler with a gas can on his back in the parking lot. She stated the four-wheeler was there yesterday morning as well but there was no one around it. The male isn’t doing anything wrong, it just looks suspicious. An officer investigated and was not able to find the individual in the area.

1131 – A 911 call was received from a female who stated she is just east of Hinsdale. There is a pickup that just passed her going about 90 MPH. The truck has no plates. At 1207, deputy advised when he was leaving Glasgow to go to this call, he passed a vehicle matching the description. The vehicle was going under the speed limit and had plates on it. The deputy has continued on and has been sitting by the construction, but not has see any vehicle matching the description so far.

1325 – Reporting party found a set of car keys. A description of the keys were provided. The items were placed in the lost and found drawer in dispatch.

1711 – Caller reported that a UPS vehicle pulling a trailer, lost the trailer. He said the chain to the trailer broke and then the trailer flipped over. Nobody was injured. The driver is shook up but there no road blockage. A deputy advised a citation was written for failure to secure load.

1744 – Reporting party is at work and reported a female customer pulled another employee aside and told her the business is going to go down. She also stated she doesn’t like the reporting party.

1827 – Caller reported that someone hit her vehicle. A description of both vehicles were provided. The caller is now at home. An officer advised since this happened at a separate place and time, the reporting party should report th accident to the insurance company.

1926 – Caller reported there’s a trailer tipped over by MM 557. It was determined to be the same trailer from the call at 1711.

Wednesday, Sept. 11

1322 – Reporting party called stating there is a guy with a camper trailer needing assistance backing out from the underpass. At 1324, officer advised the underpass is clear.

2124 – Reporting party came in requesting to speak with an officer. She reported that she’s being harassed. She has text messages that she wants to show the officer.

Thursday, Sept. 12

0901– Caller reported a fire at their residence. She stated the fire is in the bathroom and flames can be seen as well as smoke. Dispatch paged fire, ambulance and notified GPD. It was determined the fire was in the bathroom fan. The home owner was told to contact an electrician.

1154 – Reporting party was told by Experian that his social security number was found on the dark web. They advised to contact law enforcement and get the paperwork. He was sent to the Glasgow Police Department for a scam packet. Officer advised that according to the news, everyone’s information was released so there may be more calls.

1619 – Reporting party called wanting to speak to a deputy. He’s in the process of evicting a tenant. He wanted to ask the deputy if he can have the tenant drop the keys off at the Sheriff’s Office. At 1851, it was advised the key has been turned in to dispatch.

Friday, Sept. 13

1043 – Reporting party called to see if a male had reported a motor vehicle accident sometime late last night or early this morning. Dispatch indicated there were no accidents reported. He said they received a call this morning from a male that he went off the roadway and hit the gates and horse trailer. The reporting party said the male hit the horse trailer so hard he got his vehicle stuck under the goose neck and had to wrench it back and forth to get out from under it. The reporting party wanted to know if someone wanted to come out and take photos before he starts moving things around. MHP was notified who will arrive on scene for the photos.

1240 – Reporting party stated a dog is near her residence terrorizing people. She said the dog just attacked a little boy and scratched up his face. A description of the dog was provided. The reporting party said the dog is always coming into their yard and recently killed their kitten. While on the phone, dispatcher could hear two females get elevated and it sounded like the dog just went after another animal. It was determined the dog went after another cat. The reporting party provided a location of the dog. Deputy arrivedto the scene.

1956 – BNSF stated one of the employees on a train leaving the train depot spotted what looked to be a body next to the tracks. At first they thought it was a pile of trash but it was a body. There were no descriptors provided, physical or clothing of the individual. EMS was paged. A special agent with BNSF police then called asking for an update. It was determined EMS was paged for an individual with a head wound. Later an officer stated the male and his girlfriend were crossing the tracks to go home and he fell, hitting his head.

Saturday, Sept. 14

1037 – A plate was found. It was determined to be inactive.

1252 – Hospital called and reported they have a hunter that is in the emergency room with a gun shot wound that happened while hunting. Information was passed along to a deputy.

2059 – Reporting party called and stated an individual chased after him on MT 24N. He stated the driver was tailgating him at speeds around 80 MPH when she then went around, waving a gun and screaming at him. When he got to his house, the other party came by waving the gun and screaming. A deputy was notified and was not able to locate the vehicle.

2057 – An alarm company reported an infrared motion burglary alarm.

Sunday, Sept. 15

0030 – A woman walking home from work was going to a bar to see a friend. When she was leaving, there were three individuals standing outside, one with a handgun. She started to run home when they began to make threats at her.


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