Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

July Climate Data

July was a month of above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation. In fact, it was the eighth warmest month for the station with an average of 76.8 degrees. This is 4.8 degrees above normal.

There were four daily temperature records set during the month: the warmest day was on the 24th with a high of 109. The other dates with records were the 10th, the 19th and the 25th. The coolest temperature was 52 on the 3rd.

Precipitation was only 41 percent of normal with 0.80 inches; most of that fell on the first six days of the month. Only 0.14 inches fell afterward. Normal precipitation for July is 1.95 inches.

The peak wind gust occurred on the 5th at 56 mph. The other day with a wind gust over 50 mph was on the 1st with 55 mph. The windiest day was on the 1st with an average wind speed of 13.1 mph.

Looking ahead to August, the normal high starts at 88 and cools to 80 on the 31st. The normal low temperature starts at 60 and cools to 53 at the end of the month. Normal precipitation for August is 1.27 inches.

July records:

High Temperature, 113 on July 31, 1900

Low Temperature, 34 on July 8, 1904

Most Precipitation: 5.93 inches in 1993

Least Precipitation: a trace in 1894

Weather Conditions – Number Of Days With:

Thunderstorm 10

Heavy Rain 1

Rain 1

Light Rain 12

Haze 5

Fog 1


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