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Malnaa Is The Voice Of Hinsdale Rodeo

The Milk River Days Parade in Hinsdale has become a tradition for families throughout the years to celebrate the Fourth of July. For many, attending the rodeo has become a staple of that tradition. Throughout the many years and generations Myron Malnaa has been the voice of the rodeo, alongside Chris Christianson.

In addition to making memories for others, the Hinsdale rodeo has become a family affair for the Malnaas. In addition to Myron announcing, he brings his grandsons to the announcing booth to help, this year's helper being Jesse Lee Malnaa, while last year's helper was Traven Andrew Malnaa, both a year and a half years old at the time of helping grandpa.

As Myron's children grew up, they all participated in the rodeo, specifically in the barrels and roping events. Daughters Kari and Kami spent many years carrying the U.S. and Canadian flags, while daughter Kodi also carried a flag for a few of the years.

Jesse Lee's parents, Randi Klind and Tyler Malnaa, also participated in the rodeo events growing up, as did Randi's dad, Macy, and brother, Trevor.

At the age of 71, Myron continues to find time to announce, be an auctioneer, referee, chase grandkids and continue to be an integral part of the community.


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