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Law Enforcement Report

For the week of June 16 through 23, there were six motor vehicle stops, one report of a missing dog, five reports of loose livestock and three reports of dog bites.

Friday, June 14

1232 – Caller reported a van that passed in a no passing zone as well as on a curve when there was traffic coming. A description of the van was provided as well as the occupants. The reporting party is willing to sign a statement as to what he witnessed.

1447 – Reporting party called in about a vehicle. He thinks it may be stolen. He stated the driver’s side door is open and there are no plates on the vehicle. It was determined to be a customer’s vehicle.

Saturday, June 15

0003 – Caller reported being woken up by his camera alarm. He saw two individuals, and one came right up to his middle living room window while the other one was on the sidewalk. It was likely his dog barking that startled them and they took off. A direction of travel was provided. Officers were notified but unable to locate.

0504 – Caller reported a person laying on the sidewalk under the No Vacancy sign. They have no shoes on and are barely responsive. EMS was notified and an officer. An officer was able to get him to sit up. He appears intoxicated and it was not possible to get a legible name from the person.

0939 – Caller stated there is a male hanging around the church and is acting strange. She stated he was walking around, looking into the windows of the church and is now sitting on the bench. A description of the male was provided. While on the phone, she said she knows he is drinking alcohol because he dropped it and she watched him pick up whatever it was. She also stated he must know she was calling because now he is walking down the alley. She would like officers to patrol around the area more often as it seems they are getting an increased number of people hanging around.

1825 – Reporting party stated he is on the Dam stuck in the storm and cannot see in front of him. A deputy was advised who recommended the driver pull off to the side of the road as far as he can. The reporting party stated the Dam is to the right of him so dispatch stated to crawl forward until he can find a safe spot to pull off and then to call back when they are safely on the road. At 1823, reporting party called back and stated they are off the road.

1900 – MCSO transferred a caller to VCSO dispatch at 911. It was the male from the previous call stating since it was clearing up if they can go. Dispatch advised him if he felt comfortable driving he could continue. He clarified and asked if someone was coming to meet them or not. Dispatch advised since they made it off the Dam safely, an officer wouldn’t respond.

1912 – Caller reported her dog was attacked by two other dogs. She took her dog and ran to get away from the other dogs. She was advised an officer would be in contact.

2136 – Reporting party stated a vehicle is racing back and forth at the Fairgrounds. This goes on between about 2300 and 0200 and quite frequently. Both city and county units were notified.

Sunday, June 16

0058 – Reporting party stated someone is breaking into her truck. She can see the tail lights on now. She has her doors locked and has a gun in case someone tries to get into the house. She stated they are now inside the truck, the lights are on and they are trying to hot wire it. An officer arrived and detained one female.

1033 – Caller reported at one of the bridge projects west of Glasgow, barricades have fallen over into the lane of traffic. She stated that people can still get by but it is very tight. Dispatch called DOT number in Helena and made them aware. Later in the evening a deputy patrolled both bridges under constructions and there were no barricades out of place.

1609 – A reporting party left a computer bag and was wondering if an officer can go and get the bag. He stated he has numerous items in it. Officer indicated the place does have the bag and the owner will pick it up the next time they are in town.

1819 – Caller advised one of their neighbor dogs got out of the yard and attacked her cat. The cat is okay and is in the backyard. At 1833, caller reported the dog just came back and tried to get her dogs through the screen door. At 1842, officer advised the owner is trying to take precautions to keep the dog in his yard by putting an electric fence in.

2054 – Reporting party stated his vehicle was stolen sometime since April The keys were in it. It was just discovered to be stolen as he keeps it up here for work.

Monday, June 17

0250 – Per officer, an older man is going to the emergency room. An officer will follow him there.

1225 – Caller reported a car just passed him headed south bound on Highway 24N going about 120 MPH and almost side swiped his pickup. He stated he initially passed the vehicle first because it was swerving all over the road and almost went into the ditch. The vehicle then came up behind him and passed him almost hitting the side of his vehicle. A description of travel was provided. The reporting party is willing to write out a statement if the officer needs it.

1447 – Caller advised they were in an accident. There are no injuries but stated an ambulance is needed because her husband passed out. It was determined he passed out prior to the accident. Deputy and medical were notified.

1608 – Caller reported vandalism to a residence. He stated it appears someone smashed the living room window. A deputy was notified.

1610 – A caller reported her vehicle broke down. It is out of the driving lane and hopes to get it moved by Wednesday. Helena Highway Patrol was notified.

Tuesday, June 18

0100 – Caller reported a car horn going off near by a residence.

0604 – Caller reported there was a charge on her card of $86.97. She just saw the charge this morning and it was showing that items were ordered and were delivered to the address indicated. Dispatch advised since she is a resident of Richland County, she would have to file the report with Richland County Sheriff’s Office.

1325 – Reporting party called in stating there is a homeless male who is trying to get to Washington State. Someone had given him enough money to get here now he needs more money to get to Washington. He doesn’t have a job there or know anyone. Caller wanted to know if there are any programs that can help him. Dispatch advised in the summer months, he may be able to catch a ride with someone going that way but other than that there are no programs.

1345 – An employee called stating they found a duffle bag under a tree. It has been there since at least last Sunday. No one has come around looking for it and they would like an officer to come get it. There is a name in it along with all kinds of other things.

1621 – Reporting party is requesting an officer. She stated there is a female outside pounding on the door and trying to get in. They would like her removed. She stated it has been going on since 5 a.m. Roosevelt 911 was also notified per deputy’s request.

2023 – A public assist call was recorded. Everything is okay. An officer will remain on scene while they change a tire.

2034 – Reporting party requested an officer to remove a female from her house. She said the female is inside, is not on the fight, but would still like her removed. At 2052, deputy advised the female left the house willingly. It was later determined the female is not allowed to return to the reporting party’s house tonight but can return tomorrow for a few hours during the day. She also needs to leave when asked to.


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