Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

St. Mary Diversion Dam Project

Dear Editor,

The Bureau of Reclamation has released a press release announcing that a contract has been awarded to a Bozeman firm to complete the St Mary diversion dam project. One hundred million dollars had been set aside in the "Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act" for this project.

As a farmer with land under irrigation, I and many others have been advocating for this project for many years as it will bring a more predicable source of water to the Milk River Water Project.

The Milk River flows hundreds of miles across the northern tier of Montana, delivering water to about 8 irrigation projects plus two reservations and many pumpers and other individuals who depend on the Milk River for water to grow crops. Many cities and municipalities along the River also benefit from a reliable source of water.

The economic benefit to the state will be immense. Not only will this improve the economics to agriculture and rural communities, we need to appreciate that a Montana firm will be doing the work, providing construction jobs.

Many political and community leaders have been promising to get this project accomplished through the years. Finally, the funding for this project is the result of the "Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act" that was passed by the Congress and signed by President Joe Biden in November of 2021. Unbelievably, Senator Jon Tester was the only one of Montana's Congressional delegation to vote for the important economic boost for our state.

I want to take this means to thank President Biden and Senator Tester.


Shirley Ball

Nashua, Mont.


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