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Following are the local results of the Championship round and National High School Rodeo Finals Qualifiers from the Majestic Valley Arena in Kalispell, June 6 through 8, 2024.
Also included are local scholarship recipients.
NHSRA Merit Scholarship $1,000
Ty Westy, of Opheim
Barrel Racing
Championship Round
Paytron Levine 15.48
Hailey Burger 15.73
Elle Werner 15.87
Brooke Billingsley 15.95
Steer Wrestling
Championship Round
Mitch Detton 4.55
Landon Burleigh 5.53
Teagen Arnold 11.48
Tatum Hansen 16.44
National Qualifiers
Tatum Hansen 213
Ryder Gaasch 206
Mitch Detton 195
Landon Burleigh 191
Tie Down Roping
Championship Round
Ryder Gaasch 9.69
Pacen Buller 11.18
Charlie Cornwell 11.84
Ryatt Fraser 12.55
Team Roping
National Qualifers
Walker Story and Mitch Detton 160.5
Holden Meged ad Ty Westby 153
Josie Robb and Sall Robb 149.5
Tate Poppe and Gentre Coulter 146.5
The top four contestants in each event following the state finals will go on to compete at the National High School Rodeo Finals, July 14 through 20, in Rock Springs, Wyo.
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