Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Glasgow Stockyards Report

The market report for the Glasgow Stockyards on May 30, show 405 cattle sold. Utility and commercial cows brought in $120 to $145; canner and cutter cows $90 to $120; young feeding/turnout cows $160 to $233; and bulls $140 to $170.

Consignors were:

Hinsdale 2160 Bull $168.00

Saco 2095 Bulls $163.00

Larslan 2025 Bull $165.00

Malta 2015 Bull $170.00

Saco 1245 Cow $143.00

Malta 1230 Cow $151.00

Roberts 1350 Cows $143.00

Scobey 1493 Cows $143.00

Whitewater 1510 Cows $143.00

Malta 1565 Cows $141.50

Richland 1615 Cow $141.00

Larslan 1980 Cow $145.00 ($2871/HD.)

Malta 995 Young Cows $197.00

Jordan 967 Young Cows $205.50

Jordan 919 Young Cows $212.00

Whitewater 893 Young Cows $217.50

Malta 758 Young Cows $233.00


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