Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

From The Publisher's Desk

First, we want to thank all the readers, subscribers and advertisers for supporting us. We recognize the printing of The Glasgow Courier has not been up to the standards that you expect from your local newspaper. We recognize the too dark photos where you can’t see who is in the photo. We recognize the blurriness of photos. We also recognize the dark streaks on the pages, which make it hard to read what is on the page.

After bringing these examples to the attention of the printing press operator and the owners of The Glasgow Courier, we have been told there are plans in place to update parts of the printing press that will hopefully correct these issues. As of press time, we don’t have a definite timeline of when this will happen.

We do NOT want our readers and advertisers to receive our product when it looks illegible and you can’t see the hard work we put in on a weekly basis. To read a cleaner, clearer version of The Glasgow Courier, we recommend navigating to our website and read the weekly issue on your computer, tablet or phone.

Every subscriber to The Glasgow Courier, that receives their newspaper in the mail, can sign up for a digital copy through our website. The entire issue is available weekly and shows how the newspaper should look. Go to and sign up for a trial subscription. You will need to choose an user name and password. If you purchase a Glasgow Courier through our many dealers, you can also sign up for a trial subscription which is good for 30 days. If the printing does not get better during this time frame, we will extend that trial subscription until the newspaper looks like the quality that we expect.

We recognize the hardships this has caused to our readers. Though we have tried reprinting photos and articles in the following week’s issue for a better print quality, it has not always happened the way that we have liked. If there is a photo, story or ad that does not print correctly, please contact us at [email protected] and we will send you a copy of that photo or story. We can email or mail it to you. If you purchase an ad and it’s too dark, we will put that ad on our website free of charge and can also send you a copy.

Thank you for staying with us. We appreciate the faith you have in us and your continued support during this unexpected time.

Sincerely yours,

Michelle Bigelbach

Terry Trang

Gwendolyne Honrud


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