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Law Enforcement Report

For the week of April 22 through 28, there were 25 motor vehicle stops, five reports of missing dogs, six reports of loose livestock, one report of a loose dog, one report of a barking dog, and one report of a deer being struck by a vehicle.

For the week of April 29 through May 5, there were 17 motor vehicle stops, five reports of loose livestock, one report of a missing cat and two reports of a missing dog.

Monday, April 22

1703 – Reporting party called in seeing blue smoke around the area. They are unsure which side the smoke is coming from off the river. It was determined there are about three acres burning, including some trees. Frazer Fire, Long Run Fire and BIA were contacted. At 2158, it was advised the fire crews were clear of the fire.

1742 – Caller stated there has been a car abandoned in front of her residence for the past eight months with the owner nowhere in sight. She is wondering if something could be done about it. An officer was notified who stated she needs to speak with the Housing Authority.

1813 – Deputy advised he spoke with a male who was walking around the garage to get out of the wind. The deputy advised him to go home.

2345 – Reporting party said when “he shows up, he makes her really mad and then she has to ‘slap him around.’” She then giggled and said “not really,” then went on to explain that this time he wasn’t drunk, but he often is and then starts crying. Dispatch asked again if the caller needed anything. At 0016 the next day the reporting party called back and said that after many times of asking the male to leave he finally did. She said he was heading towards town and she wants an officer to tell him not to come back to her house. She doesn’t want him there at all. An officer was notified.

Tuesday, April 23

1217 – Caller reported a minor accident at the rest stop by the construction site. There are no injuries. Vehicle descriptions were provided. At 1239, the reporting party called to advise the other driver has left. They exchanged information but she wanted to know if it was okay for her to leave too. At 1241, deputy advised both parties exchanged insurance information and they will just turn it into their insurance companies.

1930 – A public assist call was recorded. A vehicle was stuck in some mud.

1945 – Caller reported while she was at the stop light for the construction site for the south side, her light was green and a semi blew by her. She does not know if something is wrong with the stop light from the north end or if he blew through the light. She is willing to sign a statement.

Wednesday, April 24

1026 – Reporting party called stating there are pallets in the back of their business and they are on fire. An officer reported he was able to get the fire knocked down with his fire extinguisher. At 1034, the scene was in mop up.

1254 – Reporting party called in stating a female came into his front porch. He told her to leave as last year she stole his truck while he was in the shower. As she left, she grabbed a hammer and he told her to put it back. She dropped the hammer and is now heading north of his residence by another house. RCSO dispatch was contacted and they have an officer en route who would like tribal officer to assist. At 1335, it was reported a deputy patrolled the area and was unable to locate the suspect. He is now going to the reporting party’s residence to speak to him.

2014 – When dispatch first answered the phone, a male was heard saying, “we are going to kick some doors in.” Dispatch then announced themselves several times before a male reporting party came on the line. The male stated some people tried to get into his residence tonight. They chased them across the street to an abandoned building. He also stated they have been having problems for the last week or so with people trying to get into their house. They can hear the doors jiggling at both the front and back door. Dispatch could hear in the background a male saying someone better get there before he does. A deputy was notified of the situation. The reporting party stated they believe the people are still in the building because his girlfriend is watching out the window and she hasn’t seen anyone run away. He did go in one of the units and didn’t find anyone. At 2037, a deputy advised the building is clear. The reporting party thinks they tried to get into his residence a couple days ago not today, he just saw them over here today. Two deputies cruised the area.

2057 – Reporting party advised he was told by his renter that the people in the house behind him had a rifle out and pointed it at the caller’s fence line at the renter’s dog. When the reporting party confronted these people about the situation they told him they would “do whatever the hell they wanted to do,” and the reporting party left because they scared him. He would like an officer to respond.

2320 – An officer advised she had just patrolled past a business and saw a light on. She called the new owner and said no one should be there. It was determined that people were working on the room and just forgot to turn the lights off.

Thursday, April 25

1129 – Reporting party called in requesting an officer to her residence as her sister has stolen her mother’s pain medications. Deputy advised he spoke to the reporting party. The suspect is no longer on scene.

1517 – Received a call from a male subject that said he just totaled his vehicle. He was screaming and dispatch couldn’t get him to settle down. It was very hard to understand. A female came on the line who advised her friend just put his vehicle in the ditch and believes his vehicle is totaled. At 1512, a male called reporting the same thing. He stated the subject is out of the vehicle but the caller thinks he is hurt. The male is screaming at the top of his lungs and the woman is trying to restrain him.

1646 – A female called in the 911 line and stated her niece just hurt her lower back. She requested an officer. Dispatch asked if an ambulance was needed and the caller said if they need one they will call for that. When trying to get further information the call disconnected. At 1658, the subject called back stating she no longer needs the cops because her niece left. When asked for the niece’s name, the caller would not provide one. She stated she hung up earlier because the previous dispatcher was asking the same questions over and over. Dispatch stated it was their job and continued to tell her that everything needed to be done to ensure the safety of officers, but the caller hung up again. A deputy was notified of the situation.

1819 – Reporting party requested assistance as she has a male subject in there who is stumbling around and almost fell. She stated she did not serve him anything but coffee so she is not sure if he is intoxicated or having a medical issue. Officer arrived and did not smell alcohol and the subject did not want an ambulance.

1828 – Caller reported her adult grandson came into her yard and threatened to beat her up. She stated that she was outside painting her dragonflies when he came into the yard and asked for some chips. She went and got him some chips, and they were fine. He then started cussing at her, saying he was going to beat her up and going to hit her head with the rock. A deputy arrived and told the grandson to stay away form the residence.

Friday, April 26

0125 – Officer reported they would be clearing debris off the road.

1720 – Caller reported damage done to a shed. The reporting party states it looks like a trailer backed into a garden shed. The reporting party is not in town right now but should be swinging by later when he is in town to check it out. He said that it sounded like there was a neighbor earlier clearing branches and they had a trailer. The reporting party states there is a history of a neighbor who has parked in front of the residence when they were not supposed to. At 1828, officer advised he drove by the residence and took photographs. When he attempted to call the reporting party there was no answer and no voicemail.

1944 – Caller reported she was just at the gas station and there was a lady in a wheelchair asking for a ride to Wolf Point. It was determined the female was waiting for her ride to Wolf Point.

Saturday, April 27

0627 – Caller requested an officer because her niece and sister are arguing. Tribal was notified. At 0651, a female called and said another female is drinking, has meth on her and is acting up. The caller sounded as if she was possibly impaired. At 0701, female called back and was very upset. Dispatch could hear the other female in the background yelling and crying while the caller yelled at her to stop hitting her. The caller stated the other female was lying, saying she can’t get up but is standing right in front of her and hitting her. The yelling between the two continued while the one female went outside. At 0730, deputy spoke to one female who said the aggressor left before he got there. The female that left was mad at the caller because she wouldn’t give her the smoking pipe. At 0809, the complainant called back stating the female was back at the house. She was kicking the caller while on the phone and attempting to hit her with a glass ashtray. One adult female was taken into custody.

1028 – Reporting party called in stating he was behind a vehicle that was driving all over the road and was a real hazard. He provided a mile marker location. At 1049, MHP and deputy advised they were unable to locate the vehicle. They will keep watch for the vehicle in case it is on the road again as it’s unknown if the vehicle pulled off anywhere.

2205 – Reporting party stated a gentleman is laying on the turn lane. Dispatch contacted the local business to inquire about a very intoxicated person coming in. She stated there is a guy that came in about five minutes ago and is by the front desk. Two officers and EMS was notified.

Monday, April 29

2147 – Reporting party called stating that the lights were on in the room. They are wondering if somebody can check it out. An officer arrived and it appears someone just left the light on as there doesn’t seem anyone is in the room nor are there any belongings in the room.

Tuesday, April 30

0543 – Reporting party called to state they will be doing a fire drill at about 0600. They’re waiting for all the personnel to arrive so he couldn’t give an exact time. If anyone calls about a fire alarm, they instructed dispatch not to send anyone as it’s just a drill.

0637 – MHP forwarded a call from the Air Force Rescue Center about a boat sending a beacon and thought it was in Valley County. It was determined there was no boat in the area and the signal has been lost. Deputy stated due to the weather, they were not able to send anyone but later will see if their plane can do a search of the area.

0931 – A convenience store employee called to report a male has been coming into the store and being disruptive. She states that now early this morning he came in and stole a bunch of sandwiches. Officer spoke to the complainant directly and stated they would like him charged with trespassing.

0939 – Reporting party reported a plume of black smoke. It was determined to be the controlled burn permit holder’s fire.

1133 – Reporting party advised her husband is on Highway 24 South between Fort Peck and Flowing Wells when he came upon a fire on the side of the road. She said it is about two pickup lengths long but he was able to stomp out the actual flames. He thinks someone probably needs to check on it to make sure it is completely out. McCone County Dispatch was notified.

Wednesday, May 1

1511 – Reporting party advised wanting an officer to her residence to remove a male. She stated they are having a verbal disagreement and she wants him out now. She stated there are no weapons involved. At 1541, deputy advised the male left voluntarily.

1728 – Business owner reported he has an employee who has been stealing merchandise from his place of business. He stated when asked about the theft the individual admitted to the theft. The reporting party stated it “was a lot” and had his suspicions for a while because the inventory was off. There were other things as well such as padding her timesheet.

1911 – Caller reported an incident that occurred around 1323 when her boyfriend left his vehicle in the parking lot and went inside briefly. While he was inside, someone ripped out the coolant lines to his vehicle. Cameras were checked but they didn’t have a view of the spot. Another nearby business does have a camera that faces the direction of the parking lot where it happened. Officer later advised that the business will retrieve their camera footage for this case.

2154 – Reporting party called and said she, her husband and daughter needed to speak to a city officer. She was very vague and didn’t want to say what the problem was. Officer was contacted who advised they will be meeting with the parties to take their complaint.

Thursday, May 2

1327 – Reporting party called wanting to speak to an officer about getting a guy to slow down on the gravel road. He states he goes about 50 miles per hour. A description of the vehicle was provided. The driver kicks up rocks and has broken four windshields that the caller knows of.

1519 – Reporting party called stating there is a car that has been parked in front of their house for a week with a flat tire. No one has been back around since it’s been parked. At 1545, officer advised the vehicle has been marked and an email has been sent to the Chief of Police to have the vehicle towed and looked into.

1830 – Caller reported he has been following a semi for the last 32 miles. He has watched it cross over both the yellow and white line numerous times and has nearly hit a couple of cars. A description of the semi was provided. Reporting party is willing to sign a statement as to what he has witnessed. A deputy was advised who may have eyes on the vehicle and continue to follow for driving behavior.

2008 – Caller reported someone stole a band radio from a bedroom at the residence. Only one went missing and the charger was left so the caller stated the walkie talkie will not be doing the person any good. The last time they were seen was about an hour and a half ago. They also provided a couple of names of people in the house recently. Later in the night, the caller stated his cousin brought the radio back.

2024 – Deputy advised the first entrance to Frazer from the west end is blocked off with railroad ties. Information was sent to law enforcement, EMS and fire crews.

2118 – Caller reported she spoke with a deputy this evening who advised her to make a report for record about dogs on her property. They were two dogs harassing her livestock. A description of both dogs was provided. She stated a report was filed last week as well.

Friday, May 3

1159 – Officer advised that a male has been trespassed from a convenience store.

1303 – Reporting party called stating he went to his office to get some keys. He found the door kicked in and all the keys have been stolen.

1352 – Reporting party stated her social security check was deposited in her bank account last night. She went there today and someone has stolen over $1,000. She has been in contact with her bank about the matter. At 1406, officer advised he gave the individual a fraud packet. She is currently working with her bank to get the charges disputed.

1643 – Reporting party called to report a pickup that has been parked for about three days now. A description of the location was provided. A deputy arrived to look at the pickup and advised it appears the vehicle is broken down. At 1744, deputy advised he spoke with the registered owner of the vehicle and the pickup will be taken care of in the next few days. The pickup has a blown transmission.

Saturday, May 4

2354 – Deputy is reporting an antique old pickup pulled over and the driver is out trying to fix something with only a small flashlight. The truck is not quite off the road. Per deputy at 0007, the driver will follow him to St. Marie. The truck has some non-functioning headlights.

1334 – Reporting party called and stated that someone hit his vehicle and left. He doesn’t know who it was but has contacted someone at the business and asked if there was a way to see the video cameras. Dispatcher passed on the information to an officer. At 1354, officer advised that after looking at the video footage from the time the reporting party entered the parking lot, it appears as if the damage to the car was already there so it happened prior to the reporting party driving today. The reporting party is going to attempt to figure out when and where this could have happened. The officer advised to report the damage to his insurance company.

1359 – Reporting party called in, needing the locksmith number as she has locked herself out of her apartment again. Dispatch provided numbers to the locksmiths.

1406 – Reporting party found some keys at the railroad tracks. There are two sets on rings.


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