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Lustre News

LCHS students senior Ifeanyichuwu Aniobi, juniors Mason Hilkemann and Rachel Pew, sophomore Emeka Aniobi and freshman Prestyn Klatt attended the Academic Olympics on March 20 at Glasgow, accompanied by Debbie Catel.

Hilkemann placed first among the Juniors in all categories: Math, Science, English, Social Studies. The team took first place in both written exams and oral exams. Congratulations on a task well done!

Thirteen seniors returned to campus on Thursday evening of Easter week from their senior trip to Denver, Colo., where they purchased supplies to make care packages for the homeless. They distributed them on the streets of Denver to people. They were supervised by Bill and Trisha Reddig.

Condolences are extended to Dwaine and Vivian Wall on the passing of her father, Tom Heidner, March 7. Word was received of the passing of Helen (Wall) Hoffman on April 2, in Gresham, Ore. She is survived by her husband Louis Hoffman and sister Alice Unger. Helen grew up in Lustre and has family here.

The Lustre EMB Church was filled to capacity for the community Good Friday Service. Pastor Wayne welcomed folks and led a choir in "What Wondrous Love Is This." Jon Kliewer read the Scripture of John 19:17-24. Don Traeholt led the congregation in "Hallelujah What a Savior," "Calvary Covers it All" and "The Old Rugged Cross." Abby Traeholt sang "When I Survey" accompanied by Karen Fast and Pastor and Jeanne Hathaway sang "If That Isn't Love."

The MB Pastor Frank Lenihan spoke on "The Fear of the Lord," from Proverbs 1:7 and I Peter 1:17-21, distinguishing it from other fears (snakes, spiders, needles, speaking in public). He identified five reasons why "we are called to live in reverence and fear (awe, respect, reverence) of God." We are 1) "Privileged to call the Creator of the universe; the Sovereign ruler of the universe, Father. Jeremiah 3:19 confirms that expectation as does Matthew "When you pray, say Our Father who art in heaven." 2) "Because of the high price of our redemption from an empty way of life, we can be free from sin's power. We have a freedom in our land because men and women sere to secure our freedom." 3) "Our deliverance transcends human history: chosen before the creation of the world. It was not a plan B. Christ was born to die before Adam and Eve ever took of the forbidden fruit." 4) "Our deliverance is anchored in two historical events; the Passover deliverance (Exodus), and the Resurrection." 5) "Your faith and your hope are in God (Hebrews 13:6)". Pastor reflected how Pastor Dan Nefgzer was last year's Good Friday Speaker, and is "now beholding the Lamb without spot or blemish."

District Music Festival is April 12-13. We wish the best to our students participating.


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