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The LCHS girls basketball team defeated Frazer 68-30 in Wednesday's District 3C tournament game, and lost to North Country on Thursday at 3 p.m. They were victorious against Dodson 61-19 on Friday afternoon, qualifying them to play against Circle in Saturday's consolation game. Coach is Bill Reddig, assisted by Sadie Brown.

The LCHS Boys tied for first place with 17 wins and 1 loss, but lost the coin toss for seeds in the tournament. They beat Frazer Wednesday at 4:30, and Circle Thursday 50-33, pitting the team against Scobey for the championship match at 7:30 p.m. Saturday. The coach is Randy Reddig.

The LCHS Seniors were honored for their accomplishments between their last home games on Feb. 10. They are Cayden Klatt, Terran Joseph, Courtney Teichroew, Eyosias Ayalew, Mitchella Rosidor, Alexa Reddig, Aubri Holzrichter and Grace Brown.

Feb 4, about 50 people gathered at the home of Dawson and Alicia Olfert to hear a presentation by Dr. (US Marine) Frank Lenihan, who represents Bridges for Peace and has led tours to Israel for many years. He began by explaining the history of their flag, "the blue and white star of David, it as is the Jewish prayer shawl, conveying their dependence upon their covenant-keeping God." He explained it went back to the 1800s to stand for the movement that united to return to Israel's homeland. He explained fully "Israel is the only country with a guaranteed future in the Scriptures."

Introducing two friends, one on each side of the conflict, he showed two interviews with friends, one without a country, one with family involved. The first was a founder of Genesis 123, a charity that provides clothing to people in need. He and his family immigrated from the US there, and and they discussed Oct 7 as equal to our 911 in scope, and why it cannot be looked at with a western mind.

The second was "A Palestinian without a country." He explained why peace in the middle east is practically impossible as the only terms for peace are for them to become Muslims. Then he showed us the ACLJ's short video summarizing the nation's history explaining wars that were fought. The last part of the video showed actual footage given to media of the attacks in Gaza highlighting its barbaric nature

A time of prayer was held focusing on Israel and the war they are in.


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