Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Glasgow Stockyards Market Report

The market report for the Glasgow Stockyards as of Sept. 21 show 3,455 cattle sold. It was a great market for our 30th Big Fall Yearling Classic.

Cows and bulls were steady on a very light test.

Utility and commercial cows brought in $95 to $109; canner and cutter cow $85 to $95 and bulls $112 to $123.50.

Compared to this annual sale one year ago, all classes of yearlings sold $70 to $80 higher.

600-700 steers brought in $261 to $287.25; heifers $245 to $263.25; 700-800 steers $256 to $277.75, heifers $237 to $265; and 800-900 steers $244 to $255, heifers $225 to $247.50.

The market report for the Glasgow Stockyards as of Sept. 28 show 315 cattle sold with light run of cattle this week following the Big Run from Sept. 21. Cows and bulls were steady on a light test. There was also a light test of feeder cattle.


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