Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

To the Community of Glasgow

As directors of the Glasgow Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, Inc., we enthusiastically support the proposed bond for improvements to the facilities within the Glasgow School District. This bond is essential - not only for the benefit of our students, but also for the community of Glasgow. Tournaments and regular sporting events that are held at our current facilities provide a much-needed economic boost for our area, often during the financially strained times of the year.

Currently, our community receives an economic boost, at minimum, of $25,000 in food, groceries, and fuel for a one-day 8-10 team track meet.

Glasgow is the hub of Northeast Montana drawing in many visitors, but our facilities are in dire need of repair. With the proposed improvements within the bond, we can secure Glasgow as a competitive "hub" for future events and boost our economy annually. Many generations have understood the true importance of supporting, building, and maintaining facilities like these to keep visitors coming back to our area. Now, the Glasgow Public School District is seeking to move forward, that it is our time once again to invest in our school district, a vital "hub" of our community, the future of our children, grandchildren, and the vitality of our community.

The heart of a community lies within our youth. Invest in them. You won't regret it


The Glasgow Area Chamber of

Commerce & Ag Directors

Executive Director - Lisa Koski

President - Gregg Hunter

Vice President - Josh Sillerud

Secretary/Treasurer - Gail Fast

Past President - Shannon Fargo

Current Board Members: Kirsten Carlson, Brenner Flaten, Brittne Casterline, Amber Swindler, Zac Garsjo, Jason Eggebrecht, Michelle Bigelbach, Matt Stevenson, Lisa Martinson, Heidi Gault, Tisa Seiler, John Bach and Tayte Prewett.


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