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Camp Lejeun Marine Base Toxic Exposure

Dear Editor and Veterans,

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act was passed as part of the PACT Act Aug. 10, 2022. Anyone who resided, worked, or was otherwise exposed, including utero, for 30 days or more between Aug. 1, 1953, and Dec. 31, 1987, and diagnosed with a serious illness or condition, may be eligible to file a claim under this act. This includes surviving family members of individuals who suffered harm from Lejeune water on behalf of their deceased loved ones.

Toxic materials were released into the river and lake and migrated into the ground water used for drinking, washing clothes, bathing, etc. Illnesses and health conditions caused by this toxic exposure include, but are not limited to, multiple types of cancer, kidney and liver issues, Parkinson's disease, infertility and miscarriages, birth defects, and neurological effects. You must show that the condition was caused by toxic exposure.

To date over 93,000 claims have been filed. The claim must be filed with the US Navy JAG office. In the act was a two-year period when claims can be filed. Aug. 10, 2024, is the drop-dead date to file. For more information go to

Many law offices offer to assist with filing a claim and require a percentage of 50 to 80 percent of the total award. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) has researched and recommended the best law firms to represent those who want to file. These law firms' contingency fee is 25 percent.

The VFW entrusts Baird, Mandaias, Fredrico and Cardea to represent veterans and their families seeking legal compensation for harm caused by the toxic water contamination at Camp Lejeune. Jason E. Johns – Attorney, an Iraqi War Veteran, attended the VFW School of Instruction Aug. 18 to 19 and has the best interest of his clients at heart. He has his law office in Wisconsin and his phone number/contact information is 608-209-0805- [email protected].

Additionally, the VA has an open enrollment period for VA healthcare for veterans discharged between 9/11 and Oct. 1, 2013. This open enrollment ends Sept. 30, 2023. What open enrollment means is that you don't need to have a claim or do a means test to enroll. Contact your VFW certified service officer or VA hospital/clinic to enroll.


Art Widhalm

VFW Post 3107

Service Officer


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