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Colbrese Red Ball Golf Tournament

The Colbrese Red Ball Golf Tournament was held on Aug. 12, at Sunnyside Golf Course, starting with Calcutta at 9 a.m., following with shot gun at 9:30 a.m.

A total of 17 teams signed up this year.

Lake Kloker, Alec Boland, Alex Schriver and Gerti Johnson took home 1st net with a score of 90.16 for $1,400.

Kevin Schindler, Tyler Fox, Nathan Hopstand and Taylor Hopstad took home 2nd net with a score of 94.28 for $1,000.

Zack Burner, Melanie Burner, Jenn Jackson and Storm Jackson took home 3rd net with a score of 94.48 for $600.

Jake Hughes, Spencer Marsh, Calvin Kemmis and Joel Smith took home 1st Gross with a score of 97 for $1,400.

In addition $50 prizes went to these individuals:

Hole 1: Thad Bedwell - Closest 2nd shot (must be on green)

Hole 2: Janie Sukut- Closest to Scottie flag

Hole 3: Rachel Boese- Closest to the line

Hole 4: Stan Ozark- Hole in one/ Closest to the pin

Hole 5 men: Donnie Phillips. Women: Taylor Hopstad- Shortest Drive (Must use ball in scramble)

Hole 6: Jake Hughes- hole in one/closest to the pin

Hole 7 men: Rocky Zimdars 12’2” women: Partly Wood 5’5”- Longest putt

Hole 8 men: Ty Fox Women: Partly Wood- Longest Drive Hole 9: Partly Wood - Closest to triangle/corner

Hole 10 men: Terry Newton Women: Lisa Riggin- Closest to the Flag

Hole 11: Anthony Bengocha- Closest to drop zone (On 1st Shot)

Hole 12: JR Rasmusen- Closest to the pong w/o being in

Hole 13 men: Gil Johnson 8’3” Women Lisa Riggen 34’- Closest to the Pin

Hole 14: Partly Wood- Shortest Drive

Hole 15: Nathan Dale 8’9”- Closest to the Pin

Hole 16: Partly Wood 5’8”- Closest 2nd Shot

Hole 17 men: Casey Riggen- Longest Drive


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