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Non-Emergency Haying and Grazing Conservation Reserve Program

USDA reminds producers that all non-emergency haying and grazing on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts must be discussed and approved with your local FSA county office prior to starting the activity. Under no circumstances may non-emergency haying or grazing be permitted if such activity would cause long-term damage to the vegetative cover on the land, determined on a site-by-site basis. Available to start 12 months after cover is fully established.

Non-emergency activities may occur according to the conservation plan during drought / natural disaster conditions, but the site conditions should be taken into consideration and the plan modified, as needed.

Non-emergency harvesting for hay or biomass may occur only once during the approved event. Haying/harvesting may not occur later than August 31. Participants must leave 25 percent of the contract acres unharvested or hayed.

Non-emergency grazing must not exceed 120 days. During the primary nesting season (PNS), there must be a 50 percent carrying capacity reduction.

Participant may rent or sell the hay or grazing rights. However, the CRP participant is responsible for any damages to the stand.

Non-emergency haying and grazing requires a 25 percent reduction in annual rental payment.

For more information on non-emergency haying and grazing eligible CRP contracts, contact your local USDA Service Center or visit


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