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United States and India Agree to Lower Tariffs on Pulse Crops

On June 22, United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai announced the United States and the Republic of India have agreed to terminate six outstanding disputes at the World Trade Organization. Furthermore, India agreed to remove retaliatory tariffs on certain U.S. ag products, including chickpeas, lentils, almonds, walnuts, and apples, marking a big win for Montana Agriculture.

“These tariff cuts will restore and expand market opportunities for U.S. agricultural producers and manufacturers. The resolution also maintains the integrity of the U.S. Section 232 measures,” stated in a press release from the Office of the U.S Trade Representative.

Montana is currently the number one ranking state in both chickpea and lentil production in the United States. In 2022, Montana produced just over 65 percent of the nation’s lentils (USDA-NASS). With the export value of U.S. pulses in 2021 reaching $389 million and the current estimate being 120 percent more due to higher production, this removal of retaliatory tariffs marks a large opportunity for Montana agriculture and its producers.

“Prime Minister Modi’s visit has underscored the importance of the U.S.-India bilateral relationship and our cooperation on a range of shared priorities. Today’s agreement represents the culmination of intensified bilateral engagement over the last two years, including through the U.S.-India Trade Policy Forum, to deepen our economic and trade ties,” said Ambassador Katherine Tai. “As a result of our work, U.S. agricultural producers and manufacturers will now enjoy renewed access to a critical global market and we will strengthen our trade relationship with one of our closest partners.”


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