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Montanans: Celebrate St. Patrick's Day Responsibly By Planning For A Sober Ride!

Montana Law Enforcement Increasing Patrols In Valley County for St. Patrick’s Day

With support from the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT), local law enforcement and the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) are increasing patrols and enforcement presence during the St. Patrick’s Day holiday period.

Because the holiday falls on a Friday, they expect increased participation in festivities and hosted celebrations, and alcohol consumption beyond what is typical for the holiday.

To ensure the safety of communities across Montana and the traveling public, these safety partners are encouraging everyone to make a plan for a sober ride home before they start celebrating (and drinking).

Valley County Sheriff’s Office, Glasgow Police Department, and the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) are encouraging Montanans to plan for a sober ride home before celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Celebrations and festivities at bars and restaurants are common for St. Patrick’s Day; and they may be more pronounced since the holiday falls on a Friday this year. Law enforcement partners across the state will be increasing patrols and making DUI arrests as part of the effort to help all Montanans get home safely. Under the Vision Zero goal, Valley County Sheriff’s Office, Glasgow Police Department, and MHP and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) are committed to reducing fatalities and serious injuries on Montana’s roadways during the St. Patrick’s Day festivities.

Montana law states that if drivers have a BAC (blood alcohol content) of .08 or higher, they could be arrested and face a DUI charge and other serious consequences. This can include having their driver’s license revoked, being required to take mandatory classes, and receiving possible jail time and up to $10,000 in fines and legal fees.

“Montanans take St. Patrick’s Day seriously, and we’ll all take safety just as seriously,” said Undersheriff Chris Richter. “Before you even start drinking or head out for a celebration, make and commit to a plan. Designate one of your friends or family members as a sober driver, arrange for a rideshare service/cab/public transportation, or coordinate with a friend or family member to give you a sober ride home. If you see your friends have been drinking, have their back and help them get home safely, too. We’re in this together as a community.”

Why is Montana law enforcement increasing patrols during St. Patrick’s Day? These are Montana’s sobering statistics:

Montana has one of the highest fatality rates in the nation for the number of deaths caused by alcohol-impaired drivers per vehicle mile traveled.

In Montana, 66 percent of all fatalities in 2020 involved an impaired driver (up from 58 percent in 2019).

“Please celebrate responsibly during St. Patrick’s Day. Have fun, but don’t drive impaired,” said Montana Highway Patrol Colonel Steve Lavin. “We’ll be increasing patrols during St. Patrick’s Day weekend to make sure Montanans get home safe. Do your part and plan ahead or call for a sober ride home if you’ve been drinking. Together we can keep our community safe.”

Montana Department of Transportation — Vision Zero

This is a Vision Zero message from the Montana Department of Transportation. This and other enforcement and educational campaigns are strategies to reach Vision Zero — zero deaths and zero serious injuries on Montana roadways. For more information about Vision Zero, contact Janet Kenny, Montana Department of Transportation, 406-444-7417 or [email protected].


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