Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

From the Publisher's Desk


You might notice a change to this week’s issue – there is one 12-page section as opposed to the two sections you are accustomed to.

Over the past month, the Miles City Star has graciously printed The Glasgow Courier while the Havre Daily News fixes their press. Due to their generosity in helping us out, we are adjusting how we lay out the newspaper to make it easier on them and us.

We are expecting to utilize the Miles City Star for the next few weeks so the paper will look more like this in the coming weeks until we start printing in Havre again.

We will continue to be the Voice of Valley County during this time and be the community-oriented newspaper you deserve.

We want to thank you, our loyal readers, for being understanding!


Michelle Bigelbach

News Editor / Publisher


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