Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
Valley County Health Department has received reports confirming twelve (12) positive COVID persons. Symptoms began May 7 through this past weekend, which means that these persons were contagious in our community beginning May 5. Each of these twelve (12) persons have been sick enough to seek medical care.
Please - if you have any symptoms, if you think it’s just a cold or allergies - stay home. COVID is transmitted by breathing - everyone breathes and ANYONE can easily catch this highly infectious disease.
VCHD has MANY free tests to give away - pick one up at any time during our regular business hours. Test yourself, stay home, and seek medical care if your symptoms worsen. Please continue to assess your own risk before attending events.
Remember our prevention measures - hand washing, 6 feet social distancing, hand washing, limit exposure to non-household members, hand washing, and don’t forget that pesky mask is still an effective option. Stay healthy, Valley County!
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