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There were seven dog/cat control calls, 16 motor vehicle stops, eight assist citizen/public assists, three animal control calls, five hazards, seven accidental dials/prank calls, three traffic control calls, three alarm calls, three reports for record, one assist to other agency, one noise complaint and two building checks.
Monday, Aug. 9
• 1607 – A man wanted to report an odd finding he had at his residence on Saturday morning. He said he went out to his garage and on his stoop he found a spent shell casing for a .22 Magnum. He said he doesn't own a .22 Magnum and doesn't know anyone who does. He said he didn't hear any type of disturbance but doesn't know how it got on his stoop. He stated nothing was disturbed at his house and nothing was missing. He just wanted it on record in case something comes up.
• 1232 – A man advised they have a Tribal officer out with a man from a construction company, who reported one of their loaders was stolen from just west of Oswego and they have tracked it to old Highway 2 near Saco. They did not know if it would be on the Valley County side or the Philips County side.
• 1238 – A deputy advised the man will bring all the paperwork in to sign the loader as stolen. 1422 The deputy is going to head into Phillips County (with permission) to look for this vehicle. According to GPD it appears to be between Saco and Sleeping Buffalo. 1437 – The deputy found the vehicle about four to five miles west of Saco, unoccupied. Advised there's fuel in the vehicle, the keys are still inside and the owner stated that there's no damage. The owner will find someone to drive the vehicle back to Oswego.
• 1242 – A woman reported a dirt biker in the area where they aren't supposed to be. She stated it looks like it is just one younger person. The biker looks like they are headed up to the OHV park but then they turn around and go back down where they aren't supposed to be. A deputy spoke to two kids who were driving on the other side of the fence from the OHV park. They did not know the boundary and thought they had to stay off the lower area. They moved to the OHV section.
• 1650 – A man reported that the ditch is burning west of MM 535 and on the east side of the road. Dispatch received multiple calls on this fire. LRFD Chief requested Hinsdale FD be paged out for mutual aid. 1706 – They advised they are in mop up and that dispatch can cancel HFD.
• 2222 – A man wanted to talk with an officer concerning suspicious activity. He said he went outside. A vehicle stopped about a half a house away and just watched him. A subject got out of the vehicle and went behind the house across the street. The subject then took off running and then went eastbound. Patched caller up with a deputy. 2245 – The deputy cleared an abandoned building in the area.
Tuesday, Aug. 10
• 0637 – A man with RCSO called and said a railroad tie is on fire at the lower river road crossing going into Wiota. Called BNSF and let them know. Notified BN to stop the trains. 0720 – Notified BN to resume traffic.
• 0917 – A man dropped off some keys he found at the VCSO Admin desk. He advised he found them this morning on the west side of the Valley Event Center.
• 1509 – A man has been receiving calls from a local phone number stating that they have a criminal matter with charges pending. Patched him up with a deputy.
• 1545 – A man reported that one of his belly dump trucks tipped over on the north side of the tracks at HWY 24 and HWY 42. The trailer is on its side. The driving lane is not blocked. The vehicle is in the ditch. No injuries. The vehicle is not leaking. He is on scene.
Wednesday, Aug. 11
• 1326 – Reported a railroad ties is on fire at the intersection of Indian Highway and BIA Route 1. She stated this would be at railroad MP 249.9 Paged Nashua and Frazer via audio and text.
• 1409 – A man called to say he has the railroad tie out. He was told the firemen are on scene. He said he can see them but he is with the tie. He was told they have a tie that is smoking too. He said they won't need to worry about his tie.
• 1514 – Clear of the fire and back in Nashua.
• 1346 – A woman was outside working with a little boy who found a pair of sunglasses laying on the ground. He wanted to turn them in in case anyone was looking for them.
• 1539 – Amtrak conductor requested that an officer meet them at the depot in five minutes to remove someone from the train. He said the subject was going through people's bags and struck another passenger.
• 1601 – A woman reported that they're at a light and their car went dead. It's in the middle of the road. She then advised they pushed it out of the driving lane. She said everything's fine and they don't need any assistance.
• 1746 – A caller reported that another man left yesterday or the day before without paying his bill. The man owes the caller $910. Patched up with an officer.
• 1756 – A man reported that someone ran into the McCone/Valley County sign. The sign is bent over and at least one one of the posts is busted off. He said there's tracks on the Valley County side.
• 2045 – Received a recorded message of a vehicle crash; airbags deployed. A woman then came on the line and reported that they hit a deer, no injuries. The deer is still in the road.
• 2246 – A deputy served a Blaine County warrant.
Thursday, Aug. 12
• 0732 – A woman called in to report that last night a larger, black possible German shepherd, got into her chicken coop and killed about half of her chickens. Asked how many and she didn't have an exact number as she stated some of them were badly hurt and are probably dead now. She also stated she found the dog inside the coop.
• 1123 – A man called in stating he can see a fire to the south of him. Dispatch called McCone County Dispatch who stated they already have the FD en route to this fire.
• 1825 – Cascade County served a warrant. They faxed back the signed copy of the warrant.
• 2008 – A man reported that someone stole a lounge chair worth about $125. A man came to the deputy while taking the first report and reported three coolers and red propane grill had been stolen. The grill was taken around 5 p.m. on 08/11 and the coolers were taken sometime on the 12th.
• 2008 – A man reported that they have some railroad ties on fire.
Friday, Aug. 13
• 1706 – Card started at an officer's request for an assault.
Saturday, Aug. 14
• 1019 – A man called in stating there is a small grass fire off of Indian HWY. 1142 – LRFD called to advise they are in mop up but will be out for quite a while.
• 1605 – Suspicious activity investigated.
• 2052 – A woman reported her son was hit in the head by a neighbor boy with a stick. She said her son does have an open wound but the bleeding has slowed down. She did not want an ambulance. Per a deputy, it appears the son fell off a plastic ATV. All parties were told to be civil with each other.
Sunday, Aug. 15
• 1507 – A woman advised she saw a vehicle with a flashing orange light coming from inside it. She believes someone should check this out.
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