Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

People of the Past

Remember When

I hope to be back once more on a consistent schedule, good Lord willing.  I have been remembering Glasgow residents of the past that many of my era will recall.  My thoughts go to Ted Rainey, Mechler, Mike Blue Horse, and Reuben Schakosky, who could always tell me who was in town.  Ted Rainey and Meckler were from my early days.  I am sure that they were absolutely no danger to anyone, but I know that many parents played on their characteristics to scare their children.  Mike Bluehorse was a friend of our family that frequented Front Street and did drawings for extra money.  He was a good artist but always willing to hit you up for a dollar, or a drink, and then there was the Spaniard, whom I remember walking to town and used newspapers wrapped around his feet to keep them warm.  I have absolutely no reason to think any of them were not good people, just that they were different in their ways and have stayed in my memories, good memories I might add.


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