Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Election Days at Tampico Hall

I had occasion the other day to make a visit to the Tampico Hall. I was surprised at how nostalgic the visit made me. Opening the door to the building and seeing the wooden benches and tables brought back many memories of community card parties, dances, school Christmas plays, and election days. Election days as I remember were always good, as there was pie and coffee offered also. So many social events such as birthday and anniversary parties, reunions and of course 4-H meetings and events. Tampico Hall, one of my good memories, but I did have the opportunity to visit other communities’ centers in days past. I am sure that every community had a social meeting place, but those that I do recall are Genevieve, Theony, and Sand Point to mention a few. Of course that was in days of no TV, etc. So many people were musical and shared their talent. Dances and card parties were easy to find Back In The Days!


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