Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Wear Your Mask

Dear Editor,

Sarah Hitchcock used some very fine words to announce her choice to not wear a mask. Concerning the Danish study, it would be wise to fact check the study, which was not done, to make an argument against masks, which it did not do. Denmark is currently recommending the use of face masks. I am not a scientist so I will abide by the advice given by the CDC, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Bell, epidemiologists and our county health department. This is my choice.

Wearing a mask gives limited protection to the person wearing it, but does give more protection to those around the wearer should he/she be carrying the virus. I feel not wearing a mask is self-centered and disrespectful to those who are vulnerable, such as health care workers, teachers, those who serve you at businesses, the elderly and those who have compromised immune systems.

Although I am older than dirt and passed my Biblical three score ten long ago I am still interested in seeing how my grandchildren and great-grandchildren fare in life, what is happening in the world and look forward to planting my garden and looking for prairie flowers in the spring! Life is good and we need to cherish and respect it in whatever way we can.

Wear your masks!


Barbara K. Hansen

Glasgow, Mont.


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