Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Vote To Support Library

Dear Editor,

I have been a lifelong lover of libraries. I was an Air Force brat, and I still clearly remember how excited I was to get my very own library card at the age of 10. This was in Laramie, Wyoming. That coincided with the issuance of my own ID card, certifying I was a bona fide dependent, and therefore authorized to enter whatever base where my father was stationed and to use the facilities open to dependents.

I also remember running into a librarian who was skeptical of my reading abilities. She limited my checkouts to a mere three books at a time. This was near Sacramento, California, when I was 12. I chafed under that restricting. After I showed up daily for three new books for two weeks, and could prove I'd read the previous three (she quizzed me!), it was decided I could check out as many books as I could carry whenever I wished to visit that library.

Currently, I am using the Overdrive app on my smartphone to check out mostly audio books. There's the occasional ebook added in. All I need is to sign in with my email address, my password, and my library card number, choosing the Glasgow City/County Library. Library cards are free. The app is free. What a deal!

I've listened to numerous books while working in my garden and yard. I even listened while sewing masks to donate to my church. All of the books are very well narrated, sometimes by the actual author. (I've also learned I've been mentally mispronouncing many words that I've only ever seen in print!)

Our local City/County Library is a treasure, a valuable asset to our area. Please vote to support their need for an additional two mils to continue to supply us with books as well as periodicals, newspapers, videos, CDs, and audio books , as well as the much loved story hours for children and the Lego club meetings.

We really are blessed to have the dedicated staff that we enjoy, and a board that really cares for our needs.


Mary Honrud

Former city/county library board member

Opheim, Mont.


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