Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Door-To-Door Sales

Just remembering employment opportunities of the past.

Do you remember having a sales person representing Watkins or Stanley products coming to your door? Apparently they sold well-liked products as many of those products can still be found in homes.

Yes, I have found that I can order many of those products online today, but just maybe, for some homemakers of yesterday, these “door to door” sales persons gave them a little bit of added social contact.

Encyclopedia sales persons are definitely a thing of the past. Who needs a set of those wonderful books for their children now that we have Google? I also remember persons selling cookware, silverware and vacuum cleaners with home visits. No, I do not remember the immediate image that comes to my mind of the peddler with a horse drawn wagon, but I am sure that not a single customer of those days could have imagined the day that we would be able to order those products with a few keystrokes on a computer or smartphone.

Memories are great, but as we are told—change is good.


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