Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Expressing and Giving Thanks

As I grow older and “Remember” things of the past, I have thought a lot about neighbors and friends of the past. People that have left me with fond memories. I am sure that I may have expressed a THANKS to those special people of my past, but their friendship, helpfulness, and advice come to the forefront of my thoughts many times.

This is THANKSGIVING, so it might be a good time for us all to remember, and be thankful for those special acquaintances that left a footprint in our lives.

As we enjoy our day of Thanksgiving, let’s be thankful for not only our blessings of today, but those of past days. Of course, Thanksgiving is not the only time we should entertain these special thoughts, but it might be a good time to share some of those special memories with friends and family.

Remember, Thanksgiving is not just a day off from work. Let’s remember our history as well as the present.


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