Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
Dear Editor,
The American Prairie Reserve (APR) is probably the most abhorrent organization to ever hit the scene in central Montana. They stormed into Montana with a stated goal to create a wildlife reserve larger than Yellowstone Park and came with millionaire donors and environmental crusaders but found little enthusiasm for their plan amongst regional landowners and their elected officials.
Since their initial foray into Montana, APR has been cratering and has come to realize that it's difficult to impose a concept that has zero support on the ground. In an effort to lower the temperature and tempers in this matter, APR announced plans to reduce the scope of their bison grazing proposal that has fueled the controversy APR is submerged in.
It appears APR's revised strategy is to shift gears, not direction, and focus more energy and money on a major publicity blitz to improve its image particularly amongst Montana legislators. To do that, APR is inviting a select number of sympathetic Montana legislators to "tour APR's holdings, see free market conservation, hunt some birds and help APR be a better neighbor by offering insight into how they can improve their community involvement."
Not surprising, the point of contact for APR's legislative tour is Ben Lamb who is affiliated with the Montana Wildlife Federation.
The tea leaves seem to indicate APR has likely hired some high powered PR firm to help them polish their image and add a political dimension to help stuff their reserve agenda into central Montana. And, it would not be surprising to see increased promotional materials coming out from the Smithsonian Institute, National Geographic, and a series of TV promos with endorsements from Hollywood celebrities and the like.
So, what we have on the horizon is a battle royal brewing that pits money, power and influence against a determined body of opposition known as the SAVE the COWBOY, STOP APR initiative that has definitely gotten APR's and its donors' attention.
Stay tuned for the rest of the story.
Ron Poertner
Winifred, Mont.
Poertner is a retired military member and an advocate of rural interests in central Montana.
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