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The past few months have been in turns sweet, bittersweet, hopeful, lonesome, loving and grief.
The end of January my husband was diagnosed with inoperable bladder cancer. After 10 days in the hospital in Billings we returned home. A month later he entered Valley View Nursing Home in Glasgow where he passed away on April 18. He now rests in our family’s cemetery.
I am so grateful our sons and oldest daughter were with us the last four days of his life. We didn’t leave him alone for one moment.
The tribute paid to my husband by our friends, neighbors, and community was truly overwhelming and will always remain close to our hearts.
Yes, I have days that are lonely. We all do. I have found my own ways of combating it.
Recently two of my granddaughters have asked me to teach them to crochet. My heart is greatly warmed by their request. So many hand crafts seem to be on the verge of disappearing. Skills that can bring a great deal of enjoyment and pleasure.
I’ve been working on meals for one. Because my oncologist wants me to have snacks five to six times a day, I am trying to list tasty snacks.
Since my cataracts make reading difficult at times, I’ve learned how to enlarge print on my cell phone and other electronic devices, I’ve also learned how to voice text.
As soon as my cataracts are removed I’ll be able to once more get back to some other projects I’ve been unable to do.
My grandchildren and their parents as well as friends stopping by always brightens my day.
But most of all, my faith helps me through each day. Starting and ending each day with a prayer gives me strength to handle what the day brings.
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