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Hinsdale Honored for Nutrition by Gov. and First Lady

Hinsdale Public School was recently awarded Honorable Mention in the School Nutrition Team of the Year Award category of the First Lady School Nutrition Awards. The school's nutrition team, comprised of Joyce Leatherberry and Margo Salveson, was recognized for their efforts in utilizing students and staff to bring more locally produced and fresh food to the school's nutrition program.

Nominated for the award by Montana No Kid Hungry, Leatherberry and Salveson were notified of the Honorable Mention via mail. "We were both shocked when we saw it. We gave each other big hugs and congratulated each other, and even got choked up," said Leatherberry. "It's always been my goal to make sure no kid goes home hungry and that everyone likes my food."

Leatherberry and Salveson can't take all of the credit for the school nutrition program. They share the success with Patti Armbrister, agriculture educator at Hinsdale school, who has created a farm to school program by designing and managing the construction of a passive solar greenhouse, an outdoor classroom, school gardens and school root cellar. The school garden, greenhouse and root cellar allows students to participate in growing the food for their school meals. Much of the produce served with meals comes from the garden, which students help process, even when school isn't in session.

Working together for nine years, Leatherberry and Salveson have teamed up to create nutritious, home-cooked meals for the students. The students are also instrumental in the nutrition program as they are involved in taste testing to determine which combination of food should be served. "I really work with the kids and listen to what they want. Kids have the choice to go to Sweet Memories, Raiders Quickstop and Stoughies, but they decide to stay and eat at school," said Leatherberry.

In addition to building a nutritious menu for students and staff, Leatherberry and Salveson attend School Nutrition Association conferences and other trainings such as farm to school workshops. "I have a wonderful helpful helper [Salveson]. She keeps me in line," laughed Leatherberry. The duo also limit food waste by freezing leftovers in order to incorporate into future meals, collect compost for Armbrister's class and also implement a share table.

The Honorable Mention is not the only recognition the school and cooks have received. During the summer of 2018, Hinsdale School received the Cook Fresh Award, sponsored by the Montana Team Nutrition, the office of Public Instruction and Montana No Kid Hungry, recognizing Hinsdale School for their dedication to serving nutritious school meals, cooking from scratch as well as succeeding in state requirements.


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