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Memories of Past Winters

Well it seems winter finally arrived with snow and zero temperatures. So I imagine that four-footed rodent was right. We are in for a few more weeks of winter.

The winter of 1968-1969 saw a lot of snow. I remember that on a day in January of 1969 my husband went out to start the car so we could go to church. But we never made it there because with the temperature at 47 degrees below zero the car wouldn’t start.

February of 1978 is still embedded in my memories. For me and my family we were snowed in for right at three weeks. That length of time with four young children in the house can put a strain on your nerves and sanity. Add to it trying to get feed and water to 400 head of cattle.

The winter of 1978-1979 is also burned into memories. I went to Iowa in March 1979 because my father was gravely ill. When I returned home in mid-May, my garden area was still covered by snow.

Just several years ago snowfall of 108 1/2 inches set a new record.

There were other winters when we had a lot of snow and very cold temperatures, but these few still stand out in my memory.

Snowfall amounts are important to the ranchers because they provide the water needed to fill the stock dam and the grass for livestock to graze. For farmers, it gives moisture to the winter wheat that was seeded the previous fall and to help spring crops get started. That and everything else that depends on snow is why you will never hear me complain about it.


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