Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
Dear Editor,
As an avid hunter and public land user, I dread the legislative sessions that come every other winter and that we are currently in the middle of. I regularly see legislators sponsoring bad legislation that disrupts years of work on bipartisan solutions or casts aside the opinions of the people that know the most about the issue.
This is why I am so disappointed in Glasgow's current legislators, Representative Knudsen and Senator Lang. Knudsen is currently co-sponsoring HJ 18, legislation that would allow for the unethical practice of party killing elk, set shoulder seasons in statute and open all adjacent public lands to shoulder season hunting. Knudsen is also promoting legislation that would repeal the bipartisan Sage Grouse Stewardship Act that has helped keep Montana's sage grouse off the Endangered Species List.
Senator Lang has voted to allow crossbows during Montana's archery seasons, which was strongly opposed by bowhunters all across the state, as well as one of only seven senators to vote against a bipartisan bill preventing unethical practice of the sale of an animal's location.
We are lucky to have committed employees at Fish Wildlife and Parks scattered all across Northeast Montana. Lang and Knudsen would be wise to let the experts make these decisions.
Justin Schaaf, Hunter
Fort Peck, Mont.
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