Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Class C Tournaments of the Past

Do you remember when the Class C Boys’ basketball tournaments were held in the Glasgow Civic Center?

I think that schools were even let out for the event. Coming from a Class C school, it was a real treat to have friends that I could stay with and take in the tourney. I am sure that a pep bus was provided to take in the games, but actually staying in Glasgow for the games was a real treat.

Were those type of events held in the Civic Center until the building of the new high school? I do remember the old high school having two gyms, the little gym and the auditorium. Were tournaments ever held at the old high school? I doubt they were as I do not remember the “little” gym having any seating. Maybe I need to get out that 1940 school annual and see if I can find the answer.

I am sure that having our present high school was a huge change, not only for teachers and students, but the whole community.


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