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Raises Over $940 for Irle Playground
Irle School PTO, along with the Glasgow McDonalds, hosted McTeacher night on Jan. 24, allowing students and their families the opportunity to see teachers from Irle school in a different environment as they took and delivered dinner orders. Students also competed for a chance at winning a free lunch provided by McDonalds at the school. Mrs. Boyer's class took home the bragging rights as her class had the highest percentage of student representation for the evening, of 95 percent.
During the two hour event, a total of $942.58 was raised through tips, the purchase of raffle tickets, providing the opportunity to win prizes, as well as a portion of the proceeds from walk-in and drive through orders. "We are very excited of how much was raised in such a short amount of time," said Irle School PTO President Kim Turner.
All money raised during the evening will be utilized to upgrade the Irle School playground's security while also making it more accessible to the community. "The playground committee is working together in order to put into fruition the changes that is needed for the community and wanted by the parents," said Turner.
There are three phases currently in place to update the playground with the first phase being getting the security fence up while also installing a walking path around the playground. The second phase including moving the basketball courts, and installing a sensory pad as well as adding swings to the playground. The third phase is moving the shed and putting up a shelter with windbreaks so students and staff who are outside during recess have somewhere to go to be protected from the various elements that Northeast Montana brings. Another goal, once all three phases are complete, is to replace the wood chips that surround the playground and replace it with a rubber foundation that is both impact and weather resistant.
Other upcoming fundraising efforts by the Irle School PTO include a Father/Daughter Dance on Feb. 9, at the school. Admittance will be a freewill donation and concessions will be available for purchase. Students will also have the opportunity to purchase candy grams, consisting of a sucker and a note, to hand out to their classmates for Valentine's Day. "We are just trying to pave our way. We have just a little over a year under our belts so we are trying to see what works and what people might be interested in for fundraising," said Turner.
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