Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Vote Yes on I-185

To the Editor,

I am writing this letter to urge Valley County voters to vote “YES” on Initiative 185. With the increased revenue generated by I-185, Montana’s children, seniors, chronically ill and disabled persons will all benefit.

The initiative is essentially a tobacco tax and will generate revenue off the sale of cigarettes, chew, e-cigarettes and vaping products. If you do not use those products, you WILL NOT pay additional taxes.

In addition to increased funding for veteran services, prescription drug programs, and the Healthy Montana Kids insurance plan, I-185 will increase Medicaid services and Medicaid provider rates for home and community-based programs, likely increasing the number of people that will have access to the care they need.

This issue is important to me personally because I have been a caregiver for years and I know firsthand the effect inadequate funding can have on just one person. Additional revenue generated by I-185 will allow myself and other caregivers in our community to spend more time with our clients, which will improve the quality of care that we provide.

I feel strongly that we have a duty to ensure adequate healthcare is available to everyone in our community and a vote “FOR” I-185 is a step in the right direction for Montana residents that need it the most.

Thank you,

Ole Komrosky

Glasgow, Mont.


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