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Bits and Pieces: Updates

It’s a little of this, a little of that week.

First off, I’ll start with an update. After meeting with my oncologist, Dr. Kidd from Billings, several changes have been made. Instead of having chemotherapy by infusion, I have been put on a hormonal therapy pill -- Femara -- for at least three months. If a monthly blood test (CA27/29) continues to show a decline, I will stay on Femara. Should there be a rise shown, I will either be put on a different hormonal therapy pill or return to infusion chemo but using a medicine other than Taxol. The Taxol caused the neuropathy in my feet to worsen, hence the change in chemo meds. The neuropathy has gotten to the point where I can’t stand any pressure on my big toenails, thus limiting my choice of footwear.

It’s been two weeks since my last chemo infusion treatment and I’m starting to see changes. For instance, Friday evening I decided I wanted to make supper from scratch. Putting together a meal from ingredients on hand hasn’t been the norm for me for many months. But Friday, I used some leftover beef roast, onion, spices, and salad dressing to make a meat sandwich filling.

Now that doesn’t sound like something major unless you look at it from the point that I had the desire, energy, and strength to do a “normal” activity. Having chemo infusion every week drains your energy, strength, and even the desire to do things you’ve done all your life.

In the past I’ve been asked what can possibly be happening in such a small town as Nashua. Well, let’s have a look at what takes place.

Once a month the Nashua Senior Citizen Association serves a family-style Sunday dinner to the public. It gives people an opportunity to visit over a delicious meal as well as providing a break for the main meal maker in a household. The freewill offering helps the association maintain the center, which is also available to any group for meetings, reunions, open houses, and more. The center is a real plus in our community. One Sunday a month, you’ll find people gathering to play cards or dominoes, work on a jigsaw puzzle, or just visiting over a cup of coffee and maybe even a homemade cookie at the center. Then there’s the tri-weekly nutritious lunch served at the senior center. And foot care once a month. There’s also the gathering of the local quilting club whose members not only have their meeting at the senior center but work on quilting projects as well.

Now that school is in session there’s volleyball games and soon basketball games to go to along with other school events.

The arrival of Fall sees the return of the bowling season, just-for-fun dances, and contests such as who makes the best chili or barbecued meats, the monthly Indian Taco night, the dart and pool leagues. Of course, there’s the meetings of organizations--the Lions Club, Parent/Teacher Organization, Gumbo Gals Garden Club, 4-H club.

As with any other town there’s the annual events. Nashua has the volunteer firemen’s barbecue supper and dance that helps raise much-needed financial assistance for the department. The Nashua Lions Club sponsors a local talent show, the proceeds of which go towards funding scholarships and other Lions projects. And there’s a Fall Bazaar and Craft Show that brings in 20-plus vendors.

For those who wish to attend church there’s Catholic and Lutheran congregations where visitors and new residents are always welcome.

Perhaps I’ve missed a group or event and if so, please accept my apology.

But as you can see, there is way more going on in this tiny prairie town than you may think at first sight. It seems there is always something happening, even if it’s nothing more than a cup of coffee, a cookie, and visiting at the senior center.


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