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GHS Student Reaches for the Stars

Glasgow High School student Garrett Lloyd has been accepted into the Western Aerospace Scholars Summer Residency which will allow him to participate in a six-day experience in Helena this August.

Lloyd was accepted into the Western Aerospace Scholars Program during his sophmore year of high school. This program provides opportunities for Montana state high school students to explore STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) topics. Lloyd first found out about this opportunity through social media, and decided it was too great an opportunity to pass up. “I plan on working for NASA someday, and this would certainly get me there,” said Lloyd.

The progam is split into two phases. The first phase requires students to complete 10 lessons that cover topics such as space exploration, chemistry, math, nuclear fusion and different sciences. Students log online and complete the lessons, oftentimes having to write an essay and take pictures of the different hands-on activities they are required to complete. The online program also allows students to commuicate with each other living throughout the state. “I have made many friends through this program,” said Lloyd.

After completing the first phase, students had the opportunity to earn five University of Washington credits based on successful completion of the curriculum. The highest achieving students, which Lloyd was one of, were invited to participate in the Summer Residency experience, Phase Two, which will occur at the Montana Learning Center in Helena from August 5 through 10.

The six-day experience will allow students who have corresponded online through the program to come together and plan a human mision to Mars with support from professional enginers and scientists, university students and certified educators.

Participants will also receive briefings from aerospace professionals, tour engineering facilities and compete in hands-on engineering challenges. “I am looking forward to this experience,” said Lloyd adding “I can’t wait to meet friends who I have developed connections with over the year and learn more about space.”

Lloyd, who will be graduating next spring, plans on attending Montana State University-Bozeman majoring in mechanical engineering with a minor in electrical or technology engeinnering.


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