Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

We Need You to Help Us Cover Valley County

Every week, the team at the Glasgow Courier works hard to scout out the stories, to capture the essence of what is going on in Glasgow, the county and even the world. We ask the tough questions, we dig deep to get the correct facts, we make sure all views are covered, we collaborate stories, and we serve as an information hub for the community.

Not only do we serve the community for the present, but we serve the community for the future. It’s amazing how many people come into the Courier on a weekly basis, wanting to look through old archives of the newspaper to find an article that mentions their loved ones, to view an advertisement that ran 20 years ago because they want to capture the “vintage” look in their current ad, to find an obituary of a loved one that has long passed, or to even gain history on an organization or event. The Glasgow Courier has been the voice of Valley County since 1913, and we will continue to be that voice, as long as the community allows us to be.

We, as a staff, can not cover what is important to the community and the county without the help and support of the community. We need to know in advance of upcoming events. Not only to ensure we can provide coverage for those unable to attend, but also to let other members of the community and visitors to the community know the event is occuring.

We welcome advertisements of all kinds and sizes, to let everyone know when a particular event is occurring. Not only does that advertisement draw a wide variety of members, but it also puts the event on our radar to cover.

In a marketing college course, I was told that someone needs to be exposed to a message at a minimum three different times before it registers in a person’s mind as being important.

It so happens, we have three different forms of media which cover Valley County. Some of those forms even cover areas outside of Valley County and the state, which allows targeting to those who pass through or are visiting. If the message is placed in all three forms, it’s more likely there will be a greater turnout, which in turns makes the event more successful.

As much as each one of us would love to be everywhere at all times, it’s unfortunately not possible as we have our own families and our own obligations. If we are notified in advance, as well as the rest of the community, we will be able to better assist you in covering your events and achievements. And if we are stil not able to make it, we welcome pictures, press releases and/or information to allow us to cover the important happenings and notify the public.

We are proud to serve the people of Valley County and provide a message to those within the state and outside of the state that this county is a hub of fun, has many accomplishments and we come together to support one another. We can not be successful without you, our readers, our community and our people.


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