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St Raphael's Third Graders Gift Birthday Bags to Food Bank

Many of us take the little things in life for granted, like receiving a birthday cake or having a celebration. For some people, that is not always the case. Many people are food insecure and organizations like the food bank have been helping to change those circumstances for years. But what happens when there is a child whose family cannot necessarily afford the supplies needed to celebrate their birthday?

That same question brought St Raphael's third-grade class to the food bank, to deliver, what they call, "birthday bags" for youth in need of cake supplies in order to have a proper celebration on their special day.

Pat Hallet, with the food bank, wrote to the Courier to say, "The bags contained cake and frosting mixes, candles, sprinkles, etc. and are given to the children whose birthdays are approaching during the next month." She added, "The children receiving the bags are so excited and proud."

Hallet said the group was given a tour of the food bank and learned the steps people must take to receive their assistance. Teresa Tade, one of St Raphael's religious education teachers, began the program, and has kept it alive every year. The contents are collected and delivered every spring from the group of kids.


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