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The Good Old Days

Do you remember when you were 20? Of course, what a stupid question as most of us like to remember those “good old days.” I know that we all have a tendency to exaggerate our hardships, like walking to school x number of miles and probably in the snow, packing a lunch while you were at it.

Actually, today my thoughts on remembering are not on the inconveniences we had, [but] rather the lack of some of the irritating and annoying things that we endure today. Those little things like turning on the radio or TV, remember very little TV back then, and not getting to hear over and over what a horrible choice the FLOUS made in the color or style of dress she wore, or what tweet some person of interest made that was unheard of, etc. I will admit I have read comments in some of my ancestors’ letters about politics, but I think with today’s instant communication, it has gotten worse.

I will also suggest that “back in the day” we had to go to more trouble to read that kind of information in the daily newspapers and that might have been more than some of us wanted to do to keep informed.

And what about those annoying phone calls that interrupt you at the most inconvenient time? I will admit that I am from a generation that regarded phone calls as something important and were to [be] answered ASAP, so I am my own worst enemy.

Regardless, I have days when I long for the inconveniences and ignorance we all had to endure of some matters. Sorry readers, I am rambling today.


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