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Law Enforcement

Valley County Sheriff's Office reported the recovery of a stolen vehicle the evening of Dec. 23, in Nashua. After noticing the suspicious vehicle on Saturday evening, the Valley County deputy ran the license plate and identified the vehicle as a stolen car out of Plentywood. While the vehicle was parked at a Nashua residence, the deputy surveilled the vehicle until the driver, Angela Sorenson, returned. Upon her return, the deputy than detained her and later placed her under arrest. Sorenson was booked at the Valley County Detention Center and is charged with theft, unauthorized use of a vehicle, and criminal trespass. At press time, she was in custody awaiting her bond hearing.

According to Sheriff Vernon Buerkle, an incidence of vandalism involving overturned garbage at Glasgow's Home Run Pond on Dec. 18 is still unsolved. Anyone with tips or information should call dispatch at 228-4333.

During the past weekend, VCSO was called on two separate coroner calls. One was for a 94-year-old Valley County resident and the other was for a 30-year-old area resident.

VCSO would like to remind the public to be safe during the holiday season. There will be extra law enforcement patrols during the New Year's weekend. Remember to call dispatch or 406-263-2193 to request a ride on New Year's.

County Attorney Dylan Jensen told the Courier that Jay Witkowksi will stand trial starting Jan. 17-19, for his attempted escape from the Valley County Detention Center. He faces a charge of aggravated kidnapping for detaining a law enforcement officer during the escape. He is currently serving 80 years for homicide.


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