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Finding Double Yolkers

I am wondering if any of you that enjoyed deviled eggs for your Thanksgiving holiday happened to remember the days when it was not uncommon to break open an egg and find it was a “double yolker?” This is something that we hardly ever see anymore. I am sure that chickens still lay an occasional egg or two that has two yolks (and for those that prefer yolks over the whites, it was always a nice surprise) but since the eggs that most of us eat anymore come from the shelf at the grocery store, those little surprises have been culled out. Back in the day when there was not quite so much regulation, and grocers bought fresh eggs from surrounding producers, it was not uncommon to get an extra large egg that had two yolks. Of course, it was also quite common to purchase those small pullet eggs, at a reduced price of course. If you were a homemaker or baker, most just used two pullet eggs in place of a regular egg, and of course an egg with two yolks could replace two eggs in a recipe.

Now we enjoy nice even-sized eggs, all of the same color, whenever we pick up a dozen eggs at the grocer. Do eggs even get cracked in a cup to check out before dumping into the recipe? With candling and other processing, I am going to guess that need has passed also. Enjoy your omelet and give a thought to days gone by.


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