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Coffee Cans and Spam

In the past I have often wondered what might have been in those jars with such a small opening.  I now have an answer!  I have found several brands of coffee came in glass jars, as well as Crisco (this one is hard for me to imagine).  Then there jars of this size that had laundry starch.  

I am sure that there were many more items but my memories do not go back that far. 

It is funny how just one small item like a glass jar can take so much time out of my day.   On that thought, remember how many grocery items came with a key on the lid (like the  pop top tags) and you used the key to strip the metal band that joined the lid to the can.  I remember coffee cans, & Spam in particular.  Search your memories, and I am sure many of you can name many more such items.


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