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Temporary Levy Passes in Favor of Valley View Home

With 61 percent of the total number of voters participating, Valley View Home claimed a win in the Sept. 7 election to approve a temporary mill levy to fund the home over the next two years. With final vote totals counted, 1,571 people supported the levy, and 1,154 voted against the measure.

The ten mill levy will raise roughly $300,000 a year for the nursing home over the next two years, and will increase tax payer burdens by $13.50 per $100,000 of property value per year. The generated revenue is to be used for operating expenses and facility maintenance at the home.

Despite the victory, however, this is only a temporary win for the nursing home as they vie for a permanent tax district to be established in Valley County. That tax measure is expected to appear on the ballot next spring and will make permanent the 10 mill levy temporarily approved last week.

The tax district will become a permanent tax, and will be administered by an elected board, similar to the school board system currently in use. That board would have the authority to reduce the amount of taxes being collected in the event the home’s needs become less demanding over the coming years, but it could not exceed the 10 mill limit set in the measure.


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