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A Bozo on Breastfeeding

Recently, I’ve seen an article on social media quite a few times that is very disturbing, to say the least, not to mention downright disgusting. Apparently, New Hampshire State Rep. Josh Moore once stated [in a Facebook post archived by the online magazine Slate] that if he sees a woman breastfeeding in public he has the right to grab her breasts. Where does he supposedly get this right? I seriously doubt his parents told him this.

From his photo it appears he is in his late 30s or, more likely, in his 40s. I wonder if he is married and if so, whether his wife would approve such a statement. Does he have children -- especially daughters? Will he tell them they should expect this kind of treatment? I have never heard of this “right” before.

I breastfed my children except for one who was born two months prematurely. I tried to make sure I didn’t have to feed them when I was in public, but if it became necessary, I made sure to do it as privately as possible.

So, sir, if you wish to have respect shown to you then you have to show it to others -- especially the mothers of our nation.

Last week, we celebrated the birth of this great country. Those who helped form America were willing to sacrifice -- and did, in many cases -- everything -- including their lives -- so those who came after them could truly be free. The negativity, rioting, and violence we are now seeing is doing nothing to support or further the ideals set forth by our founding fathers.

My fight with cancer continues. I have chemotherapy for two weeks and then am off it for a week. Once a month I have an infusion of Zometa, a medicine that helps to keep my bones as strong as possible. Yes, there are side effeccts from the chemo --- lightheadedness, dizziness, poor appetite, fatigue, tastelessness of most foods, and dehydration. With the heat we’ve been having I constantly am drinking ice water.

A great many people have told me I am in their prayers. This, along with all the kind words, acts of kindness, flowers, and cards are all appreciated far more than is known, along with all the support and help from my family. Without all of this, this fight I’m in would be far tougher.


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